1 in 20

We have had 1 day without rain in the last 20. I managed to snap a few pics to celebrate the sunshine as it's back to raining buckets again today.

Spirea is blooming
Lovely orange red Asiatic lilies are charming the yard

Double Sorbet Peonies
Orange Poppies cheerfully gracing the side yard

Begonias in the back, add some color on the front of the garage
Pink Hybrid Tea roses. This rose was the first Valentine's Day gift my husband gave me when we were dating. It lived in a patio pot for a few years.
Pink and buttery yellow petunias. They are growing in the color pots, but the blooms are not lasting long with all the heavy rainfall.
Hoping for a few sunny days this week to help the veggie garden along. Most of us here in the Pacific NW are feeling a little blue with all the rainy weather! I'm hoping the weather makes up for itself with a long indian summer.


  1. Your pictures are just beautiful. I have enjoyed my visit.

  2. Hi Jenni~~ Would you believe I landed two Oregon gardeners in one day? Today! Could it be the rain driving us indoors for a little virtual gardening comfort? Methinks so. Your blog is wonderful and I'm so glad to meet you. Love those Cedar waxings. We had a few visit here not long ago but nothing like your flock. Amazing!

    Instant friends, Grace

  3. Hey Jenni, wow! Your garden is looking lovely, I am jealous, mine is so late blooming, I think they are hiding from the rain :)

    Love your photos, I love your Peony Header. Gorgeous :)

    It was such a shock to have sun yesterday, everyone was complaining how hot it was :(

    Hopefully, we can have some nice weather after this week, fingers crossed :) T.

  4. This rain is getting OLD. One day of sun is nice, but just not enough. I have seeds I keep waiting to plant, but I'm not sure it's going ever going to be warm enough.
    Your 'Sorbet' is beautiful. It looks like the flowers must be a lot bigger than the one flower I have.

  5. Jenni--
    Everything is looking so lush. That peony is gorgeous..

    I have to admit, this rain is making me cranky. I did get outside on Saturday, but one day is not enough...

  6. Catherine, I had a few blooms from the peonies that were good sized, but most of them are small this year. I understand from neighbors that my plant has been in that spot in the yard for over 15 years. Compared to last year, it reached about 2/3's of last years height.

    @Meg...I am totally cranky about this weather! lol I wish we could have lush with lot's of sunshine! :)

  7. Beautiful pictures!! Looks like we will stay wet until Sunday after which things might dry out, with a little luck. It has been tedious as heck. I live in Quilcene and we are all "Mossbacks" up here, but enough is enough!! Summer will come to us soon. Cheers! Bonnie


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