Fertilizer Friday, June 25th, 2010

The sun finally has come out for a few days! I'm delighted to 'dry out' a bit although I'm not convinced that these warm rays are here to stay....nevertheless, the sunshine granted me an opportunity to capture some blooms to participate in Fertilizer Friday this week.

The dwarf daylilies are beginning to bloom. I really enjoy these hardy perennials all summer. I picked out re-blooming varieties to line the little walk way to our front door.

Stella D'oro the all time favorite

A peach variety that is very soft in color.

Along the side yard, the native daylilies are blooms. They always put on such a show for the neighbors and I!
My Tropicana hybrid tea rose is making a statement ~ and smells so sultry....I have it planted beneath my bedroom window and I love falling to sleep in the summer time with wisps of that spicy scent filling my nostrils.
Coral Red Penstemon ~ a new addition this year and I hope will help attract some butterflies

Tall bright pink Asiatic lilies are just beginning to bloom. I love what a great early summer statement piece these have become in my yard.

Lastly for this week, here are some of the first blooms from my Dwarf Gaillardia. I planted them last year and had no blooms, so I'm delighted that they matured over the winter and are providing quite the sunny display, especially with all the rain we've had.

Stop by Tootsie every Friday and see who is participating in the weekly Flaunt Your Flowers event!

Happy Gardening ~ Jenni


  1. Just looking through your garden photos. Very, very pretty. I also had to look around at the ones you put up previously. Beautiful flowers.

    Hope you are having a wonderful day,

  2. Isn't it nice to have had some sun. Finally warmed up some too. After seeing so many Daylilies in bloom I'm even more anxious to see some here, if they can grow faster than the slugs can eat them. The rose is really pretty, great idea to plant them where you can enjoy them from inside as well.

  3. oh what a beautiful flaunt you have given us this week!!! I love the color of the guillaridia (did I even spell it right? too tired to care today!!! haha- you know what I mean)
    the rose is gorgeous as is all the rest of the flowers you shared. thanks for linking in this week...I am happy to say that I have officially visited all of the participants this week...I have been so busy as of late that I have not been able to do so for about a month now...

  4. Hi Jenni~~ The sun is so nice, isn't it? Your blooms are enjoying it almost as much as we are.

  5. Jenni, beautiful header photo and daylilies. Ours are beginning to really take off, thankfully due to some sunshine.


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