May 2011 Bloom Day

I'm joining Carol's monthly show of blooms at May Dreams Gardens for Bloom Day.  Swing by and check garden bloggers around the world who are participating.

Spring in the Pacific Northwest has been cool and wet. Cool is an understatement.  Many plants have delayed blooming and it's been a dreary start to the gardening year.  By the end of April last year, my Lilacs were in full bloom and the Clematis, which still has not bloomed, was putting on an incredible show of color.

However, a few staples are showing some color and that's what I'll celebrate today.

45 year old Lilac is showing some gorgeous color

And another part of my back hedge situated in between the Lilac's is full and dense Quince, which makes a wonderful habitat area of many of the birds that pass by.

Japanese Quince, also about 45 years old
Two of my low growing front border plants are in bloom.

Helianthemum 'Fire Dragon' with a backdrop of Thyme
Pretty Pink Soapwart
One columbine is in bloom in the new woodcutter's garden, the rest are quietly waiting for more warmth.

Songbird Nightingale Aquilegia
And lastly, my pretty little Sea Thrift in blooming in my rock garden, providing some fun pom-pom style fun


The weather forecast is for consistent showers today, so far it sure has been consistent ;)
Cheers, Jenni


  1. Happy GBBD! I planted a quince this year - yours looks very happy. Love the aquilegia. Looks like something someone would draw - perfect little petals! Sorry for the delayed blooming. I hope your summer makes up for the wet spring!

  2. Beautiful!! Your lilac is so pretty, mine are having a glorious show this year too! Happy Bloom Day =)
    ps, I think I need to start growing cranberries, my backyard is officially a bog thanks to all this Seattle!

  3. Beautiful blooms. Now we know why Carol calls her blog 'May Dreams.'

  4. Jenni, your blooms are just gorgeous! That 45 year old lilac is a gem. I can easily imagine the scent.

    Happy GBBD!

  5. Lovely garden pinks, the columbine is very striking, a great colour. Kelli

  6. Wow! Things look great. Veggies too?! I love the color of your columbine. Has anything been nibbling on the veggies since you put up a net? Good to see progress. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Happy GBBD Jenni. I'm amazed at the beauty of your 45 yr old lilac. Just stunning! And the columbine is gorgeous too. Send some of your wet weather our way, and I'll try and send you some sunahine!

  8. Great blooms for GBBD!

    I especially love your Peony header. It is spectacular. You sure have some lovely Columbine. Love that shade of purple. I wonder what happened to mine, it was buried under the snow!

  9. Three cheers for workaholic thrift! :) Mine opened today, too...happy GBBD!

  10. That Songbird Nightingale is is all your blooms. Happy GBBD Day!

  11. Hi Jenni~~ I can practically smell the delicious scent of that lilac! Great blooms.

    BTW, my blog address is NOW I'm just letting everyone know. Thanks.

  12. It's definitely been consistent in raininess this year. I'm near Seattle and my flower garden is nearly a month behind due to the temps.

  13. Well all the flowers were worth the wait in your garden! My Lilac is still waiting to bloom.
    I can't believe the amount of rain we had Saturday and Sunday. They say it will hit 70 this week, hope it's true!

  14. It's definitely been a rainy spring...then again, it certainly has helped with all the new plants I've put in! Love your blooms...that Columbine is a stunner!

  15. You have some beautiful color in your garden... plants with a history are extra special aren't they! Larry


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