GBBD June 2011

June is usually a quiet month for blooms. My spring blooms are usually done and the summer blooms generally haven't begun.  However this year, we are about a month behind, so I have some blooms to share :)

The peonies started to break open this past week.  It is always a source of great enjoyment and this grouping is located near the street so passer-byes can admire as well.

Double Sorbet Peony

The roses are late this year as well.  Tropicana Hybrid Tea Rose has it's first bloom.

I forget what this fuzzy blue flowering shrub is.  It attracts a lot of bee's and they are welcome!

I have three varieties of Delphinium blooming.  One variety is a large impressive plant!

Here is a close up of this Delphinium:

I have another variety with a darker purple/blue coloring:

And a new Delphinium variety showcasing a lighter shade of purple.

The red Asiatic lilies are blooming around the yard.

Finally, the hostas have leafed out and showcasing lovely variations of color.

Happy Bloom Day! Swing over to May Dreams Garden to see who else is participating in this fun monthly event. I'll also be joining Tootsie for Fertilizer Friday too :)
 Cheers, Jenni


  1. Is the fuzzy blue flowered shrub a Ceanothus?

  2. That peony is so unique with the double coloring...very beautiful! Happy GBBD!

  3. You have roses already! Good for you. Mine are still buds (tiny buds).

  4. Love the photos. My peony is just getting buds. I love the delphiniums. Especially the pinkish one. I had one like that and then the dummy died. It all looks great.

  5. We have the same peony! I thought that's what your header picture was. My little one had her preschool picnic and the kids were asked to bring a flower for their teacher, and 'Sorbet' was what she chose to bring.
    I hope my delphiniums will end up like yours one day. The plants I bought are blooming, but are short still.

  6. Jenni, I really must get a peony or two for the garden. I say this every year when I see how lovely they are. I love the double colored one you have.

  7. @Sue..I have no idea..teehee! I need to figure it out one of these days less I keep calling it..fuzzy blue bush!

    @Catherine, yes, we do have the same ones. The header was taken last sunshine..yeesh, amazing what a little sunshine can do to perk up a photograph. lol

  8. Oh help, it's that time again! I meant to post something this month, not that we have much to show.
    For all your cool spring your things are looking pretty good. That peony is an absolute delight. And your hostas! Not a snail nibble in sight.

  9. Look at the size of those delphiniums! I love those!!!

  10. Love, love, love those beautiful!

  11. i like the delphs also. cant grow em here.

  12. Yes, it's a ceanothus, Jenni. Mine is also in full regalia right now. The bees are loving it. Beautiful blooms!

  13. Thanks Sue and Grace for your expertise! I'm going to note it in my garden journal :)

  14. Just fell in love with the Sorbet!

  15. Jenni, I love that Sorbert peony. I see it in your header? I always thought it was a Bowl of Beauty. I have one of those and it's very similar. Will be blooming soon!

    Your delphiniums sure are beautiful!

    It all lools wonderful...have a great day.

  16. Jenni what a beautiful peony. Your looks much prettier than my Sorbet. Maybe I need more sun on mine. The blue delphiniums are gorgeous too. Have a wonderful weekend!

  17. I am a huge peony fan and just love this double sorbet peony! It's gorgeous!

    The Gardening Life

  18. Love the colour in the delphiniums! Peonies already eh? I've just got buds here. Soon I guess...

  19. I love peonies, mine are just starting to open. The scent of peonies is so lovely. You have so much beautiful flowers in your garden:)
    Greetings from Finland

  20. Really gorgeous blooms. Love the varigated hosta in the last photo; I've had my eye on those but haven't got one yet.

  21. Dear Jenni, I love your delphiniums - especially the unusual light purple one. Today, mine began to bloom, hurrah! This is a very different spring, weather-wise. P. x

  22. Late or not, I still love the Peony's, such sweet flowers. And the fragrance from the older ones....

    Great shots.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  23. Oh Jenni your flowers are lookinig so lovely and how nice of you to plant the peonies in the front for all to see :)

    Mine are still hiding :(

    Roses are starting to flower and my Poppies came out just in time to get smushed by the heavy rain last week. I did get a couple of good shots though :)

    Have a lovely evening, regards, T. :)


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