Fertilizer Friday, June 10, 2011

By Jove, we've had a slight improvement in the weather! It has turned mild with temperatures comfortably in the 60's in the day and mid-high 40's at night.  Rainfall has decreased for the moment and in between clouds, there has been sunshine. Good grief, we might get some growth to the summer vegetables!

I've captured some new blooms to share. Each evening, when I return home from work and am greeted by the bouquets of color; it surely brings a smile to my face.

The Delphinium is glowing with blue buds and blooms. I now have three varieties growing in the cottage gardens, two are captured here:


Cat and kid, I love company in the garden!

New acquisition of a light purple Delphinium 
Red Asiatic lilies are elegantly opening and providing a lovely fragrance.

I love how they continue to naturalize!

Right at the front walkway, so cheerful!
Color-bowls on the front porch are spreading out and welcoming the sun.

Also in the front cottage gardens, well, what is a cottage garden with out a Lupine?

Lupinus hybrid 'Gallery Red'
Another new addition to the front flower beds is a pretty Wall flower that I hope will puff out and blend in with the lilacs.

Erysimum Hybridum 'Pastel Patchwork'
Large, orange poppy's along the side yard, weave around the bird feeders and leeks. (Granted an odd combination...there were here when we moved in...can't get rid of the leeks despite many attempts.)

Big Ole Orange Poppy's
An old, established, Rhododendron, that is over 50 years old, blooms in the back of the yard, near the equally old snow ball tree.

This beauty is at least 14 feet tall!

Swing over to Tootsie's blog to see who else is flaunting their flowers today! Fingers x'd for some sunshine this weekend. It's Rose Festival over in Portland, Or and generally that always means rain, but maybe this year we could skip the rain as we've quite had our fill.

Happy Friday...the weekend is near.....hooray!!
Cheers, Jenni


  1. What a marvelous delphinium and that rhododendron... fantastic! Larry

  2. Oh, my gosh, Jenni, everything looks so good in your garden. I know exactly what you mean by coming home from work and being greeted. It's such a joy to walk around and see what all is blooming, isn't it?

    Your delphiniums are gorgeous!

  3. Still cool and dry - very dry for us.

  4. Your plants are looking wonderful. Hope the nice weather sticks around your area. Enjoy the garden today.

  5. Oh Jenni ~ what wonderful flowers to see when you come home from work each day. I love that blue delphinium and the wallflowers are so sweet.

    Enjoy your nice weather.


  6. Everything looks so pretty what a wonderful way to unwind after work.
    Fingers crossed no rain for ya'll and hoping we get some..

    Happy Friday hope you and yours have a beautiful weekend.
    hugs from Savannah, Cherry

  7. Your garden does look like it's enjoying the sun. I love your Delphiniums! My dream is to actually get one that big. This year I decided to try them again. They are probably the one flower that I really want to grow in my garden, but don't have luck with. It's the darn slugs that get them. The lilies are so pretty, the color is beautiful!
    I hope we see some sun this weekend, it's been cool again and drizzled all day.

  8. Beautiful flowers. I especially love the Lupine. I had Gallery Red last year but they didn't make it through the winter, sadly. I'm sure hoping for a little sun this weekend.

  9. Oh I soooo love your delphiniums. You captured the iridescent colors perfectly on the blue one! Everything looks good. The poppies and lilies are vivid. Glad you have good weather. I like the little one peeking out.

  10. Your flowers are beautiful. I love the poppy. That delphinium is such a pretty color blue. It brings so much joy just to see flowers blooming.

  11. I don't know how I missed this post. But all the flowers are GORGEOUS.

  12. Your garden seems at least 2 weeks ahead of mine, or mine has just gone into a perpetual sleep :) T.

    P.S. Lovely shots :)


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