Mini Gardeners

There are two super cute toe-headed, pint sized gardeners that reside here.  They are industrious little tykes, always following me around with their mini-sized watering cans and tools.  I thought it was time for the little little's to have their own flower pots to care for.

My five year old son was giddy with excitement and when I asked where we should look for plants he said, 'well, we can get pots at (box store) but we should go to 'locally owned nursery' for plants.  Bless my boy! These kids are catching on! The three year old was just excited and jumped around with glee like she'd eaten a cup of sugar.

Off we went, procured pots and soil, then plants.

Brother had his heart set on a rose to my surprise.  I really hadn't even talked to him about roses before.

We settled on a lovely mini rose called 'Coffee Bean' with rusty colored blooms.  Above, the proud lad pauses for a picture.

Mini Rose 'Coffee Bean'
Little sister was more interested in color.  She found a flat of marigolds to her liking and I talked her into some  trailing annuals to add color contrasts.

She excitedly waters her pot on our watering nights.  She's recently found a few more blooms on her trailing annuals and I can't tell you how cute it is to have my little lass run up to me, with excitement, and tell me about new blooms on her flowers.

We've had such fun this season, despite the lack of sunshine, learning together about our vegetable gardens and building new flower gardens.  It is heart warming to do these activities as a family.  My husband who has zero interest in growing things has been keenly interested in the progress of the veggie garden and has enjoyed some tasty dinner salads with our own greens of late.

Our small yard isn't going to allow us to run a mini-farm, but growing some seasonal vegetables organically is something I can do and teaching my kids these skills is something I feel passionate about.  If they also appreciate the beauty of roses and other blooms...I love it!

Cheers, Jenni


  1. I know how heartwarming it is to see kids take to gardening. My three year old son regularly remembers to water the plants in our balcony garden, on his own. And looking at how boisterous he usually is, I wouldn't have thought he could be so careful with plants.

  2. Little gardeners effort always put a smile on anybody face.

  3. I enjoyed reading this post immensely. Thanks for sharing your small ones.

    You're a good mama!

  4. It's a gift your kids will have for the entire lives. My kids, late teens and early 20s, love my gardens and although they're not quite there yet, I predict they'll have there own gardens someday. Nothing pleases me more. Great job, Mom!! :)

  5. How wonderfully sweet this post is and your little gardeners are absolutely adorable. What an experience for all of you.


  6. Those are some happy little gardeners. Start them young! Better than goldfish.

  7. Jenni; I share your enthusiasm for teaching kids about gardening and food-production as early as possible. My little grand-daughter was round here a couple of days ago, and I proudly pointed out to her the tiny green fruits on some of my tomato plants. "Not as big as mine!" she retorted immediately... I shall have to try harder.

  8. What a great post, with great pics of your little ones! The boy looks just as pleased as punch, and I loved reading your description of your little girl jumping around like she'd eaten a cup of sugar.

    My adult son showed no interest in gardening when he was young, not until he had left home and got married and bought his own home. Now he gardens.

  9. Sweet kids or should I say future garden bloggers. Looks like they love gardening also. Fun to share.

  10. Its great to see our young ones taking an interest in gardening! Your flowers in your last post are really pretty and vibrant, looks like you have alot of colour! Kelli

  11. How wonderful to be teaching your children about growing things. And the fact that they are so excited is wonderful. I hope both of their pots do especially well.

  12. Awww...very sweet! Glad they had such a good time.

  13. It's great to see how excited they are! Gardening with kids is so much fun and they love the rewards.

  14. What awesome little garden helpers :) T.

  15. Wish we could trade weather every once in awhile. We desperately need rain.
    You have two great helpers ... so cute! They look so happy with their new flowers.

  16. They are both so cute and look so proud of their gardens. It's fun to have company with you while you're in the garden. My younger daughter helped plant her first garden (1/2 wine barrel) last summer and was so excited to find some of the flowers blooming this year. Sooo much better than them sitting inside and watching tv.

  17. The very best way to learn .... Learning by doing! Great job mom!

  18. Kids love watching things grow. I think its something to do with still believing in magic! I really enjoyed reading this delightful post. Thank you.

  19. Look how proud they are of their efforts! Even if their interest does wane later, they'll likely return to gardening at some point in their lives because of the start you've given them. My children both helped with our allotment when they were pre-teens, then interest fell off during the teenage years, and now 20 year old son is offering to do heavy digging during his summer holiday, and 17 year old daughter has presented her school with a plan for a courtyard garden in an unused space in the music department.
    Oh, I posted some links to what a sporran is, in answer to your question. See


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