Family Update

Hi there Blogging Friends, I'm writing you from my husband's hospital room where I've spent the better part of the past 5 days.  He was hospitalized with severe Ulcerative Colitis and we've had some very scary moments.  I've been so thankful that my mother has been able to care for my little children; that has been a great comfort.

Hubby is responding to their current treatments, however they are strongly pushing some very heavy drugs at us and we are reluctant to take those on without looking into other remedies as well as surgery.  The truth is that he was been diagnosed with the disease since 2006 and been unwilling to make the necessary dietary and lifestyle changes.  (You can assume with my feisty nature, the battles we've had.)

our family with Mt. St. Helens & Goat Rocks as a backdrop
Both hubby and I are going to have to make sustainable changes for our family to be able to live healthier.  I'm coming to the realization that I cannot maintain this image I have in my mind about what it looks like to be a modern mother, working side the home.  Many things are going to have to change.  I am just so thankful we have dodged this crisis and our family is intact.

So, I hope you'll continue to follow my journey as I intend to keep on blogging :)
Cheers, Jenni


  1. Love, hugs and prayers for you, your husband and your family as you make changes. May you find some alternative choices to surgery and heavy drugs.


  2. As one with a husband who also ignores, I completely understand what you are going through. In matters of health, in moments like these though, we search only to hold our loves close and to have them be healthy. I support you in your journey and honor you as a woman of strength, wisdom and patience. Cheers, my friend! ~K

  3. Oh Jenni! Big Hugs to you and your little family. You're so lucky to have folks nearby who can help. I'm hoping things work out well for your husband (and that he starts to listen to you)! Sometimes men are so stubborn and ornery.

  4. Jenni, all the best to you and your family during this time. Sounds like you are ready and willing to make the changes you need to, for the sake of the family.

    Sending hugs to you and that adorable family of yours...


  5. So sorry to hear of your woes. I hope your husband gets well soon, and without those powerful drugs! What a scary time you are going through. I pray you will find peace and strength.

  6. I'm sure this has been quite stressful for both of you. I hope they are able to find the right medications to help and that he is willing to make the necessary changes, maybe this will help convince him? I'm not sure what it is about husbands sometimes :), mine is unwilling to listen to me about seeing the doctor or those types of things either. Take care!

  7. Scary Jenni. I'm so glad you felt that you could share this with us. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Hugs!

  8. I hope thing go well fro you both Jenni.

  9. Nothing like being stuck in the hospital just when summer has finally arrived. Good luck with your healing.


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