Harvest Tidings

Busy times in my little garden! Sweet 100 Cherry tomatoes are ripening faster than I can pick them.  I have been oven roasting them to be able to enjoy them later as hubby is still in the hospital recovering from emergency surgery last week.  Tomatoes are his favorite. We are now in the 2nd month of his hospitalization.

Sweet 100 Cherry Tomato planted mid May 2011
My slicing tomatoes 'Beef Steak' are heavily loaded, but still quite green.  The warm temps of the past week have helped get a few to color.  My plan (if I get enough ripe) is to make sauce and freeze that for use later this year.

Beef Steak tomato, planted mid May 2011
Beef Steaks with a touch of color
Bush beans have been producing, although I haven't been home enough to enjoy them.   The zucchini has produced quite a few fruit that are currently awaiting me in the kitchen to grate, measure and freeze for future recipes.

Happy Zucchini with Beef Steak Tomato in background

Last week's harvest
My cucumbers have been a dismal failure.  I am training my vine variety to climb and it is flowering but I have nothing other than flowers.  Same with butternut squash.

Here is the one tiny little lemon cucumber.  Tiny, like the size of a golf ball.

Lemon Cucumber
And finally my one success has been the 'Baby Bear' pumpkins.  Of all the things. Cracks me up.
One half of the Baby Bear pumpkin plant over taking the garden
Pumpkins ripening

So that is my vegetable garden report.  It's amazing all the lessons learned this year.  I like keeping the Veggie Diary page on my blog here as it will hopefully serve me well when I plan next years garden!
Cheers, Jenni


  1. Hi Jenni,

    The tomotatoes look like they are coming along very well. I've had pretty good success (with green tomatoes from other people's gardens, that I've been given) by just putting them in the cold room. They ripen up quite well.

    The kids will have lots of fun with those little pumpkins!

  2. Our squash are slow to grow and tomatoes slow to ripen maybe because of the cool temperatures and lack of rain.

  3. Thanks Diane, I may need to try that trick!

  4. Great idea to roast the cherry tomatoes! We are starting to get more too, they are like candy. Zucchini is doing well, but we have the same thing with Butternut Squash. We are having great success with Pattypan Squash and my kids love them. I bet your kids would think they are fun because they are so cute looking.
    I sure hope your husband is home soon!

  5. What? I'm sorry but I sort of couldn't get over that first part about your husband needing emergency surgery last week. He's been in the hospital for so long. Please do give us an update on how he's doing. This must be so difficult for you.

    Your tomatoes look great even if they're not quite ripe yet. I hear we're in for a bit more hot weather next week. Hopefully this will speed things along a little bit.

  6. Sorry to hear about your husband's surgery and hoping for a quick recovery. Your plants all look super and great to have some veg right on your doorsetp. Kelli

  7. @Catherine..I am totally going to try the patty pan squash, especially after reading your latest blog post :)
    @Grace, ah yes, it's been quite a month, will post updates soon, after this storm settles down.

  8. Hope your husband is doing OK, Jenni. Make him some semi-dried tomatoes. That will cheer him up and speed his recovery, I reckon.


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