Fall Garden Overview

Autumn in the Pacific Northwest has been mild and calm.  A few blustery rainy days, but mild temperatures, which has kept many flowers blooming.

Petunias in the front hanging baskets.

Dahlia's and Rudbeckia continue to bloom.

I've been clipping, weeding and turning over the soil in my front flower beds.

I notice candy-tuft and winter heather, growing buds and fattening up for their winter show.  My lawn is actually green and lush.

This will be my last fall in the cottage on C street.  Our family is moving back to the Portland, Oregon area next summer to help restore and bring back to life, a home built by my husbands great grandfather during the 1920's.

For now, it's the soft air of Autumn, gentle rain and the calling of the geese overhead, migrating south for winter that has my attention.

Next stop. Cleaning out the vegetable garden.

Cheers, Jenni


  1. You still have some beauties blooming there. Love those dahlias. My sister is living in the portland area.

  2. Your dahlias are beautiful! I am surprised we haven't had more blustery windy days yet, I really need to get out there and tidy up so stuff doesn't get blown all over the garden all winter long. I've got veggies to pull out too.

  3. I love the dahlias. Someday I will get some and give them a try. So did I understand correctly? You are moving? Sounds like a great adventure! I love bring life back to things forgotten. I can't wait to see the new adventure.

  4. That beauty inspires us to keep working for the nature. The nature that provides us these beautiful flowers and we should be doing something to protect that. I like the initiation taken by the cleaning agencies in London to make sure that cleaning done by them is by using environment friendly tools.

  5. Sounds like exciting plans coming up. Hope you'll post about the 1920s house. Your garden looks well, lots of nice blooms still. Kelli

  6. It's very mild here too at the moment, though I don't have much colour left in my garden. It's something which I keep saying I'll rectify for the following year but I still never get round to it. Your plans for next year sound exciting, but I'm sure it will be hard work.

  7. You're right. The temps have been fairly mild, haven't they? Love that HUGE dahlia in the first photo. And that petunia is lovely.

    I hope you enjoy your last fall in your current abode. It sounds like your future is full of adventure.

  8. The weather has been nice and it seems like flowers are lasting a lot longer here. I love the Dahlias! Do you plan to bring many plants with you? Sounds like an exciting endeavor! Can't wait to see what it will be like.

  9. Hi Catherine, I plan to bring as many plants as I can muster to the new house next spring :) I plan to start working on the beds this fall and winter to prepare the soil well. Many posts in the future will be dedicated to this massive endeavor!

  10. How exciting to be involved with a restoration project on an old house. I can imagine it will be hard work but well worth it.

    Your autumn garden is looking lovely with some great colour. Love those Dahlias.

  11. What a beautiful petunia with that acid green edge! I need to find that!


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