Pumpkin Harvest

Quiet days in the yard and gardens have appeared quite suddenly. I knew it was around the corner and I even relished the thought of a gardening break when I was elbows deep in tomato saucing. But, I'm feeling a bit blue.  My fingers are actually clean, no more pore deep dirt stains.

I have dug out the zucchini, squash and cucumbers.  I've cleared space for the garlic when it arrives.  The baby bear pumpkin produced some cuties, so they were the last item to harvest.

And now, I must face the pile of unfinished crocheting projects from last winter. I am a poor excuse for a fiber artist but it keeps me busy and makes me feel like I'm doing something in the evenings. I do dream of learning how to make cute crocheted flowers and leafs, something to add to my Etsy shop in the spring time.

Next year is going to bring quite a few changes to our little family unit.  I'll be writing about those more this fall. But for now, I'm enjoying the quiet of the drizzly day and then I'll get moving as my mother is coming to visit tomorrow.  Housecleaning must commence!

If you haven't popped over to enter my October giveaway, do swing by.  

Cheers, Jenni


  1. Have I mentioned I LOVE pumpkins?!
    We have some in the garden but they've not colored up yet and I was hoping for some sun again to finish them up. Sun maybe? Gosh I am not liking this rainy cloudy stuff, it's time to clean up the garden but it is so wet out there.

    I laughed at your description of yourself as a "poor excuse for a fiber artist" as I am probably at a lower level than you are. I do scarves or blankets without a pattern - I have to be shown how to do this stuff as I am not a pattern capable person.

  2. Hey Jenni, thanks for stopping in to visit at Seasonality. I'm especially glad that you left a comment, 'cause that enabled me to follow you here. I love finding a great new blog to read! We seem to have a lot in common, except that bit about you being a rainy-day gardener, and me being a rain-less gardener!

  3. Fantastic haul! I had to buy a magazine in the grocery line today - it had beautiful ways of decorating pumpkins (by painting them)!

  4. Look at all those cute pumpkins! We have ONE and it's still very green. It's been raining most of the week here and I need to get out and clean up our veggie garden.

  5. Can you cook the pumpkin down and freeze it for pies and pumpkin bread? I can tell you an easy way to bake pumpkin, and I have an awesome pumpkin spice bread recipe. The pumpkin bread freezes well, too :)!

  6. My little green pumpkins must be squash, because they never turned orange. I did get pumpkins. I had to cut the one off of the greenhouse roof as it was getting too cold toe keep the windows and doors open.

    I too pulled out some winter sewing. I started on a skirt project for my nieces and it isn't going well. Probably would help if I followed the directions.

    Enjoy the fall. Hope your husband is still on the mend. Mine has been in Canada on a moose hunt and I MISS him.

  7. Your pumpkin harvest looks wonderful. Nice job! I hope your crocheting goes well. It is nice to be productive. Can't wait to see your finished projects.

  8. I saw the cutest little tutorial on making sea pennies, guess I have to break out the crochet hook.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  9. Those are the cutest little pumpkins I've ever seen! Did you say you grew them?! So cute. Happy Fall, Kelli.

  10. Well at least you got your garden cleaned, Jenni, and I haven't started.... still processing tomatoes, the last of the beans and a whole bunch of eggplant. It is time though to put most of the garden to bed... you have inspired me. ;)

    PS: such cut earrings you made.


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