Old Fashioned Pen Pals

As some of you know, I have been running a small business for the past three years on Etsy.  Prior to this fall it was a way to stay in touch with my creative side, but mainly limited to nights and weekends as I worked outside the home. However, now that I am home full time, I can devote a lot more attention to this little shop and grow.

During the fall months, Etsy, the website where I have my shop located, hosts many workshops and forums to help us vendors prepare for the holiday season.  One such forum is called Holiday Boot Camp.  This is where my met my new pen pal.

We were given a task in mid-September to find another vendor and become Boot Camp Buddies. I placed a 'ad' if you will, looking for a partner and after receiving a several thoughtful messages from potential buddies, found my match.

It's really fascinating how the universe works sometimes. After some initial correspondence, my buddy and I learned we have been on a similar life path. We had the same major in college with the same career intentions, only to be lured into the world of retail account management.  We were mom's, avid gardeners, and have both experienced major trauma in the past year.

We learned all of this about each other through emailing. We've helped each other with updating and improving our little online shops.  We have shared our hopes and fears for our businesses and have discussed the stress of transitioning from a world of full time paid employment outside the home, to a world of work focused inside the home.

She has supported me through my husband's health crisis and now recovery and I have the honor of supporting her through her very recent diagnosis of cancer and current treatment plan.

It's amazing, the power of the written word. In two short months this total stranger has become a friend. A friend I hope to have for a long time.  I am very thankful to the universe to have this experience, my first real pen pal.

This week we spoke on the phone for the first time. It was a delight to hear her voice and be able to laugh together.  Her friendship is a gift, as all friendships are, and there is a special place in the heart for friendships that evolve from the power of the written word.

Cheers, Jenni


  1. That's so cool, Jenni! Sounds like a wonderful connection and friend you have made.

  2. I always love reading your blog. You are so positive. It is always good to meet people. I also can't say enough how I love your Etsy shop. Glad it was a good day.

  3. How neat that you've met a friend that way. You just never know how you'll meet and get to know someone. Sounds like you were meant to be friends. I hope she'll be okay!

  4. That is so wonderful. :)

    I love writing (real letters) and sending cards because I have long time friends on other continents and different time zones sometimes it is easier to write that to try working out a time we are both awake to call or skype :)

    I'm sorry I didn't know about your Hubby (maybe you blogged about it over the summer when I was taking a break from blogging) I am so glad to hear he is doing better, life does have a tendency to send us challenges right when we don't need them. (well, we don't ever need them but I hope you know what I mean)

    I hope your new pen pal makes a full recovery from her cancer challenge.

    Sending positive energy to you all.

    Have a lovely Thanksgiving, cheers, T. :)


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