A Good Life ~ Happy Anniversary Husband!

Today is my seven year anniversary to my husband. This day has made me reflect on the past year and I feel very thankful that he is with me to celebrate our anniversary today.

What a difference a year can make? At this time last year, his health was disintegrating as he battled an auto immune disease that nearly killed him last summer. I still get quite emotional when flooded with memories of hospital rooms, IV's, and his rail thin frame wrapped in a hospital gown.

I feel like we've both climbed a mountain this past year and I know there are still a few hills ahead as he continues with his recovery from this nasty disease.

We were an unlikely pair from the get go when we met with the help of technology. Both of us were out of the optimistic and idealistic youthful dating stage and had settled into a reality that we might not meet a person with whom to share our lives. We began dating each other with a wary sort of interest that comes from being burned one too many times in the romance department.

Jen & Aaron, 2004 at Glacier Point, Yosemite National Park
But as luck would have it, we did in fact find that we were well suited for each other and decided to embrace our good fortune. We got engaged and after realizing we could not please a single parent in our quest to plan a wedding, took off for Las Vegas to get hitched in American style.

Fast forward nine months later and I kid you not, we had a baby. Honeymoon baby. So much for our plans of remaining childless and pursuing our outdoor adventures. To make things complete we had one more kiddo. Why not? :)

Mt. St. Helens, January 1st, 2008

I wouldn't trade our roller coaster ride for anything. I feel quite fortunate to have found someone I'd like to grow old with and have been blessed with a family I never thought I'd have.

July 2011
Sometimes in life you get lucky. Today, I'm appreciative that I've got it good.

Happy Anniversary to my best friend, Aaron.

Cheers, Jenni


  1. Such a precious post! God is faithful.

  2. Happy Anniversary Jenni! We had our son within nine months of our wedding too. Actually, got married, moved (twice), bought a new car, husband changed jobs, had a kid, etc., all kinds of things in that first year that always appear on the list of top sources of stress. And we just celebrated our 30th last year. I'm so glad you found your husband when you did, and that he is getting better!

  3. Wishing you happiness on your anniversary, Jenni & Aaron, & many happy moments in the years ahead! So very glad for you & your family that you have emerged from those "mountains" of scary & difficult challenges...enjoy all the new experiences, adventures & opportunities awaiting you as you discover new pathways.

  4. What a wonderful love story.

    I am glad to hear that your husband is doing much better, may his recovery be full and complete.

    Happy Anniversary Jenni and Aaron.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

  5. Happy Anniversary to you both, with many, many more years to come!

  6. Happy Anniversary to you both! I know it's been a tough year for you both, but so glad you're both healthy now.
    I feel like you and I have so much in common. I met my husband after giving up on ever meeting anyone, and thinking that I might just be single forever. I think that waiting ends up being so worth it when you find someone you can't imagine being without. Our first daughter was born a few days after our first anniversary, funny because we thought we'd wait a while to just be married and before we knew it we were expecting.

    1. Oh C, wow, we really do have a lot in common! Life is such a ride, I'm in absolute awe of the twists and turns it can take. I really appreciate all of your kind and supportive words this past year. It's meant a lot! Hugs, Jenni

  7. What a happy post - Congratulations!

  8. awe, how awesome of a story, happy anniversary!

  9. What a great story. It seems like real life, though a lot harder, is always way better than the movies. You couldn't have written a better script. Happy anniversary and may you have many more years of blessing!

    1. Thank you IG! Real life is harder....but sweeter! :)

  10. Jenni,
    This filled me with so much happiness for you!

  11. Jenni,
    This filled me with so much happiness for you!

  12. A lovely story Happy Anniversary to both of you!

  13. To Aaron and Jenny and your wonderful children: Congratulations, you are truly blessed and I was so tickled to see these lovely photos and read your story. Hugs!


  14. Happy Anniversary! Love that photo on Mt. St. Helens - looks like your children will be adventurous, too! And I am glad your husband is doing better. I hope you will one day celebrate 50 years together.

    1. Thank you HG ~ 50 years? I'll be thrilled if we do :)

  15. Yay! I am so glad you are a part of my life, and you are SO good for my dear cousin. Happy Anniversary you two!!

  16. Hey Jenni,

    That is a true love story, congrats on your Anni :)

    It made me smile 'coz it was mine the day before, we chose good men and a good month to get married :)

    Take Care, my dear blogger buddy, maybe see ya soon, cheers, T. :)

  17. Happy Anniversary to you both, wishing you many more.

  18. Happy Anniversary!!! From the sound of it, you are both truly blessed :-) Cherish every moment.


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