GBBD April 2012

Hello Garden Bloggers! It's time to see what's been blooming here in my little cottage gardens for April. I dashed in-between rainstorms to capture pics of any color I might have to share. Blooms are a little thin right now with our cool spring. My garden just seems to be a week or two behind.

However, I did catch pretties to share.

Bartlett Pear Tree in Bloom, but the bee's are scarce from a cool spring
Border of Forget Me Nots in blooms. Delightful blue color! Started from seed six years ago.
Mini Iris
Candy Tuff in a white blaze of color

nasty Yellow Archangel. I can't seem to kill it. 
April Daffodils are finally opening:

Notice the Ding Dong Dog in the background?

And finally the Hen & Checks sedum looks quite nice with chartreuse and burgundy color.

Many thanks to Carol from May Dreams Garden for hosting this fun monthly event. I always enjoy reading about what is blooming in everyone else's garden.

Happy Garden Bloggers Bloom Day! Cheers, Jenni


  1. Fabulous. The Candy Tuff certainly caught my eye, although I did love the Forget-Me-Not, the Iris and the Daffs. Ding Dong looked happy!

  2. I love your the blooms you have in your garden,especially the daffodils.

  3. That candytuft is early isn't it?

  4. Beautiful flowers, especially the Forget-Me-Nots...I love that delicate blue and yellow combination!

  5. Your forget-me-nots and candytuft are just fabulous! And I love your hen & chicks! Such detail of color in each of those rosettes!

  6. Where did you find your forget me not seeds. I have just recently learned that true forget me nots have a yellow eye. Mine do not, they might be chinese forget me nots...?

    1. Hey Darla, I think I got them at a big box store, probably Ed Hume seeds. You might look online at places like for some of the true seed. I got lucky; I didn't realize there was a difference when I bought them six years ago. lol

  7. We have some similar plants in flower this month, but we've called some by different names - I always wonder why plants have so many names. I'm growing forget me nots from seed this year, they look lovely plants.

    1. Kelli, the forget me nots do spread out, but they reseed themselves which is quite nice. They are my favorite springtime flower :)


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