New House Files Part 5: Stop and Smell the Roses

Enjoying the Landscape

I took a moment recently to take of pictures of blooms around the old house in West Linn. I try to stop and remember to take pictures in the midst of scraping old paint and wall paper off of the interior walls. I love to look around and imagine what new flower beds I'll create and what new edible plants I'll incorporate into the backyard.

Enjoy your life now bell flowers...(insert evil laugh) you will be cleaned out this summer!
Star Magnolia. Next year I hope to better capture it's blooms.
Loads of Daffodils that will be dug up this summer and moved to new locations around the property
Soon to bloom pear blossoms on the combo pear tree I planted
One of the earlier projects that was completed in March was the removal of two large Sumac trees that were heavily shading the house and much of the backyard. The old trees were planted by the great-grandfather who built the home because they were fast growing and would provide shade, probably around the time the home was built in the early 1930's. Some of the limbs were rotten and during a windstorm in the past, a large limb dropped on the house and caused quite a bit of damage. Removal of these two tree's was required for safety and to reclaim the backyard from shade.

Old trees gone, Aaron out on the riding mower to attempt to cut the rather long grass
The wood has been hauled out and we will be starting from scratch in back, with a lot of room to create a nice cobblestone patio and new privacy fence :) I have visions of using old pallets to built a fence with flowering vines or maybe goji berries growing up and around the fence.

Currently I have added these edibles to the back yard:
Combo Dwarf Apple Tree
Combo Dwarf Pear Tree
Service Berry
4 Blue Berries with plans to add 2 more bushes.
All of my raspberry canes from Rainier house to the rows of existing raspberries in West Linn.

If I could just spend all of my time working on the yard and build my gardens I'd be such a happy clam, but drat, we do have to live 'in' the house so I suppose it is reasonable to make that the priority.

Cheers, Jenni

P.S. You can visit my Directory of Post's page and scroll down to 'New House Files' for our earlier adventures remodeling this old house in West Linn, Oregon.


  1. I would say you guys are moving right along there in your new home. This time next year you'll be amazed at the before, during and after pictures, inside and out.

    Have a GREAT weekend ~ FlowerLady

  2. I sure hope you are right FL! Someday's it feels a bit overwhelming to take this much on :) Cheers ~

  3. Moving right along is right! Good thing Aaron has that great tractor. Your flowers looks just lovely!

  4. Wonderful to have a new place to plant, to plan and dream and on to planting and enjoying. The star magnolia, I look forward to seeing it close up - such a pretty flower.

  5. I think you are right, you'd better take care of the house. ;) The outside is always much more fun, but I don't think you want to be Swiss family Robison living in your orchard. The garden is so soothing after a hectic day in the house though. Good luck with moving everything. I hope they bloom even better in your new area,

    1. IG - you're Swiss Family Robinson reference gave me a good chuckle :) I suppose Oregon is not the place to attempt full time outdoor living ;)

  6. You're going to love the Willamette area. It has a lovely market once a week, a beautiful park and some nice places to eat. The school is also great, a good friend of mine is the teacher-librarian there and he is just fantastic as is the rest of the staff. Also, make sure to do a little window shopping at the cat shelter on the main street, the cats hang out in the window and there is a huge rabbit that lives there too.

  7. That yard is beautiful. Glad to see I'm not the only one that has to cut trees to grow trees. It is always fun to have a blank slate. Good luck.

  8. Looks like you have a nice, big, sunny back yard there! You'll be able to grow all kinds of wonderful edibles. Your star magnolia is huge and beautiful! I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with your new garden.

  9. So exciting to make big changes. After almost 2 years, we are still working on the int/ext of our fixer house. It has been loads of work, but so satisfying and fun too! West Linn is such a peaceful, friendly and close-knit town. A perfect place! Can't wait to see your transformation over the next year.

  10. One day at a time. You're making progress. How nice that the scary tree is gone although shade I think is a good thing. In no time at all you'll be out there enjoying your lush plantings.

  11. Jenni, I see there is a lot of work ahead of you, but oh! so exciting to create new gardens.

  12. WOW! You guys are working so hard :)

    I'm sure it will look and feel amazing for years to come :)

    Have a lovely week, cheers, T. :)

  13. I'm glad your showing your befores of the garden! Glad you were able to clear the trees so you will have sun back there. How great that you already have blooms on your pear tree. I hope you'll be enjoying them this fall while enjoying your new home!

  14. Looks like things are coming along nicely and keeping you busy. The new house is going to be really lovely. I know what you mean about being eager to get outside as I'm always itching to get out, especially when our rain stops!

  15. I like that place! Wow, you sure have lots to keep you busy! It will feel good when it's done, I imagine!


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