My Favorite Plant this Week: Agastache aurantiaca 'Apricot Sprite'

Garden blogging friend, Scott, over at Rhone Street Gardens, started raving about Agastaches a few years ago. I was unfamiliar with these perennials. But he kept posting the most beautiful photos, of summer long blooms and graceful limbs. I was determined to pick up a few as I built my new bee/butterfly/humming bird garden.

Agastache 'Apricot Sprite' has proven to be a winner.

Not only have the blooms been consistent all summer, the humming birds have been regular visitors.

When I've watched these darling hummers dance in my garden, it is as if the universe is saying 'all is right with the world'.

Here are some facts from about  Agastache aurantiaca 'Apricot Sprite'

So, I've embraced Agastaches and I couldn't be happier! What's better than lovely orange blooms in a summer flower garden?

Join Loree at Danger Garden to see what everyone else's favorite plants of the week are and join the weekly fun.

Cheers, Jenni


  1. Those Agastaches remind me of the Crocosmia that I saw so much of during my recent holiday in Cornwall. Have you got any photos of Humming-birds? We don't get them here in the UK of course.

    1. The blooms of this agastache also remind me of crocosmia. We have two varieties of humming birds here. They are quite difficult to capture on camera as they move so fast. I'll keep trying :)

    2. Does your camera take video Jenni. It may be easier.

    3. Haha Sue! I'm sure it does but, that means I have to graduate from just using the automatic setting :)

  2. I love the Agastaches too! This one is a beautiful color. I'll have to look for it. Good choice.

  3. A great favorite! I also enjoy the fragrance of the leaves when they're brushed. Happy almost weekend!

    1. Oh, the fragrance is so lovely! Happy almost weekend to you too!

  4. Does this one need much deadheading? The couple of agastaches I have don't need much, which makes them extra awesome. I love the color of this one!

    1. I've done no dead-heading on any of my agastaches. This one really took off and has grown to about a 3' x 3' sized plant. Also, it smells delightful.

  5. I'm so glad you're enjoying the many charms of Agastache..they are fabulous plants...especially for attracting pollinators :-)

    1. Scott, you are to blame. I feel like I need even more!

  6. This is a particularly charming agastache. Fuchsia 'Golden Gate' brings the hummers zooming right by our faces as it engulfs the front deck.

    1. I will be on the look out for this one Ricki, it sounds like a winner!

  7. How lucky to have humming birds in the garden. If we had them I'd probably grow agastaches.

  8. Uhm...I've never grown an agastache but perhaps it's finally time. That is just the perfect shade of orange. Thank you for sharing this one Jenni!

  9. Your borders and plants are looking really lovely!


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