Where Do You Blog?

The question was posed by Hoover Boo over at Piece of Eden blog. I've enjoyed seeing my fellow garden bloggers respond and I thought I would add to the mix.

This is my blogging seat.

My lap top sits on my little bench seat.....beckoning me while my cozy fibers and yarn sit to the side, competing for my time.

I look out my front windows and in the summer I keep my front door open with the ancient screen door closed so that I can hear and see the hummingbirds visit the feeder on the front porch and keep the bugs at bay.

However, my peaceful blogging experience is often intruded upon. By this creature. The devil himself.

Demon Cat
Or there is this creature, demanding my attention.

Or this one.

Silver Cat
But then really, what consumes my days..and often disrupts my best laid blogging plans?


Oh yes. These last two pictures represent what I am really growing, the most important things I will ever grow. So, yah, sometimes my blogging posts are few and far between. Sometimes they have silly grammatical errors. Well, please do excuse all this as I am not a professional and do find myself pulled in more directions I ever thought possible before I had children.

However, my life is rich and full and this I hope comes through in my blog posts. The contentment of this chapter of my life, the crazy days, full of soccer games, weed pulling, transplanting, photographing and blogging. It is a good life.

Cheers, Jenni


  1. We have a little study area with built in desks along two sides where Martyn and I sit and compute or blog.

    Over our heads are book shelves loaded with paperback novels that I sometimes reread.

    To my left is a window out onto the garden and just outside of the window are the bird feeders so I can keep an eye on their comings and goings and snap the odd photo.

  2. I love the 'most important things I will ever grow.' Very well put. I've always considered a blog to be for the person blogging and if people read it then cool beans. My blog spot is out on the porch until it gets too cold. Then I move to my big chair. Nice post.

    1. From all the pictures and posts I've been lucky enough to enjoy on your blog Bonnie, I think you've got one of the best blogging spots of all! I can't think of anything nicer than blogging by log cabin porch and enjoying your magnificent views!

  3. Thanks for showing us your blogging environment. What a nice comfy chair! It's interesting to see how many people blog using laptops. I used to, which meant sitting at the dining room table, and putting the computer away and taking it out each time I wanted to use it. But then I got a tabletop Mac, which I love. I use an old laptop when we're away.

  4. Jenni your nkids look so much like you! Adorable. I also think the devil cat is a real looker...

  5. It's nice to hear you expressing such satisfaction with your life! Our "little ones" grew up with a love of food and gardening to add to all their other attributes, so I am well pleased. And now I have 2 lovely granddaughters (soon to be 3) who already have green fingers! BTW my "blogging station" is a big comfy blue armchair just like yours.

  6. I think I would find myself dozing rather than blogging in such a comfy spot. I love that you love your life.

  7. A lovely post, you have your priorities right and no mistake. The Demon Cat looks like a demon, your chair looks very comfy, your little ones are darling, and if you blink, they will be in college and you will be wondering where all that time went.

  8. Lovely, your not only growing plants but also a sweet girl and boy. With these two and 3 cats around you, blogging in a comfortable chair, you must be very happy. In the near future I will show you where I am blogging, a post for autumn or winter. Autumn is arriving quickly here, after a lovely warm and dry summer, it started raining cats and dogs last week. We have thunderstorms, hail and heavy rain at this very moment. Yes, autumn is coming.

  9. <3 Love those kiddos and animal friends, even when they interrupt (constantly)... your house is beautiful!

  10. Great post Jenni! Love your sweet distractions & those last two things you're growing are especially sweet. Do you bring them inside for the winter or are they hardy outside? Your home is beautiful and the opening between the kitchen and living room is very sweet. I can see generations of your husband's family living happily there, wife talking to husband through that portal. Sweet.

  11. It is a good life, isn't it? Your kids are getting so big. Demon Cat... what are we going to do with him? Your photos of him just crack me up. He looks just a teensy bit lovable, when he wants to be, of course. Your blogging chair looks very comfy.


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