Fall GardenPalooza!

I closely watched the weather forecast all week, anticipating the weekend events. It was the big Fall GardenPalooza Event, hosted by Fir Point Farms, near Aurora, Oregon and the first, big, rainstorm of the season was scheduled to hit over the weekend.

The weather held out on Saturday to make for a soft and lovely morning visit to the plant sale. Fir Point was ready for their guests with newly created paths, lined with hay bales and pumpkins and the scents of freshly made donuts and cinnamon rolls, tempting our tummies.

I had a little birthday girl with me, who decided to tag along to the plant sale. We arrived smartly, right at 9am as we only had a precious hour and a half to enjoy the party. Soccer games were on tap for the remainder of the day.

Someone got a free cinnamon roll from Fir Point Owner, Jessica Romaine. The birthday girl promptly devoured her tasty treat.

Some of my favorite nurseries were present from Clackamas and Marion Counties, including Egan Gardens, Dancing Oaks, Sedum Chicks and Secret Garden Growers. A new vendor that I did not see last year was Garden World. They had a lovely display and variety of plants and nursery stock.

So many tempting choices. Great looking art, pots and iron works for the garden also represented. 

But I fell hard for this beauty:

This hardy hibiscus came home with me. I think I have the perfect spot. Well, after I move this and that, of course.  I also procured a new anemone and another orange blooming beauty, plus some new ferns. 

I love this plant sale because of it's festive location. Fir Point Farms is a wonderful spot to gather nurseries together. Tired of looking at plants (I've personally never experienced this) go grab a coffee and fresh baked pastries indoors and grab a loaf of fresh baked bread and jar of local honey on the way out. 

Another fun addition to the day, was the beer and wine tasting event that started after 11am. 

I could have spent all day there, enjoying the autumn crispness and plant loving atmosphere. Alas, my sporting obligations were calling. Coach Jen was called to duty. 

On a side note, today, the first big rain storm is set to hit the Pacific Northwest today (Sunday), with the strongest band of rain and wind to strike from 3 - 5pm, PST. This would be the exact time I have a birthday party planned for my daughter. It was meant to be a backyard party. Fourteen small children will now be crammed in my house. Please feel free to send any and all good thoughts my way. Sigh. The things we do for our children. 

Wishing you a lovely Sunday and week ahead! Cheers, Jenni


  1. Oh My, 14 kids crammed into the house. You're going to need a straightjacket and a padded cell when it's over. That does look like a really fun location for a plant sale.

  2. I think you exercised great restraint!

    1. Thanks Sue, I'm excited about the Hardy Hibiscus, it is so exotic!

  3. Look on the bright side, Jenni: 14 young kids careering around your garden could have posed a serious threat to the wellbeing of some of your precious plants! Hope the party went OK.

  4. Hope that it all went well..bet you are bound for a feed up rest in a little while...hope that the rains held off.


  5. I have not bought any plants (ok 4 tomatoes and 3 peppers). I am seriously considering the 40% off at a local nursery. I need strawberries, cherry trees, and a currant bush. Maybe even a Christmas tree. I would love to see a set up like that. Happy birthday to the little one. Thanks for sharing.

  6. It was a fun event, wasn't it? I loved the party atmosphere. Sorry we happened to be there at different times.

  7. Sikes! I hope you survived the birthday party. :) What a fun morning. I love that hibiscus. I have a little one that I'm not all that impressed with. Yours is awesome. And PINK! Love how you captured that (what looks like a) bee swooping in for the nectar. Great post.

  8. Wow, this looks like a really great event! Love the festive atmosphere. Hope you're still in one piece after the party!


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