Wednesday Vignette - Things To Come

I'm joining Anna for Wednesday Vignette. The view that captured my heart tonight was that of the emerging gardens in my back yard. I have these set to peak during July when I am home for summer vacation.

I've be so focused on the details that I sometimes forget to stand back and see the larger landscape. Tonight, I caught a glimpse.

Cheers, Jenni


  1. I'm so happy that you took a moment to savor your beautiful garden! All your hard work is paying off. :)

  2. July?? I think it looks spectacular already! And, I love all that leafy, green goodness set against the blue of your house. Makes me happy! :)

  3. "I've been so focused on the details that I sometimes forget to stand back and see the larger landscape." That my friend is the curse of gardeners everywhere. Good job on taking the time to step back.

  4. That blue, it's eye catching, and lovely! As gardener's we do have to stop and look at the big picture once in a while, otherwise al we see is the weed, and we end up missing the blossoms. Gorgeous!


  5. It does look gorgeous now, Jennifer. Good for you for taking a moment :)

  6. Good Grief! What will it be like in July!

  7. It's important to just stand back and look at our gardens and think, "Wow! This is beautiful" instead of thinking about what needs to be done. It's so much more fulfilling. Your garden is beautiful and lush. :o)

  8. It looks great. You have come a long way since moving in. Everything looks lush. Thanks for sharing.

  9. This is absolutely stunning. I love looking at your photos.

  10. Great shot. Love the color you chose for your house.


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