May 2015 Bloom Day

It's May 15th and time to take into account of what is blooming around my gardens. Garden Blogger's Bloom Day helps me chart yearly what is blooming when every year and to see how my own micro climate is affected by the greater forces swirling around my little neck of the woods. At this time last year, the delphinium was not yet in bloom, but this year, with our 'non-winter' and warm spring, things are pacing ahead of normal.

Sometimes it feels like there is so much work going on in the garden that it's hard to stop and snap photos. I juggle the work of working in the ornamental gardens along with the veggie gardens. There is a lot of dirt therapy going on!

Iris are blooming, both my bearded and Pacific Coast Iris (PCI).
NOID Pacific Coast Iris
NOID Bearded Iris

NOID Peony
I feel like it's really in May where my gardens invoke the 'cottage' feel with lupines, peony's, delphinium, columbines and iris blooming. The hosta's are stretching out, opening their leaves and the ferns unfurl their fronds. It feels soft and quiet in the garden at this time of year. I feel like I need more wicker furniture.

Demon Cat with Lupines, ameria and Max Frei hardy geranium
I do believe my robust Euphorbia plant is from Danger Garden. Wow, it's a happy plant and the bee's love it. 
Euphorbia Excaliber
The columbines are so sweet. They are some of my favorite spring blooms. I started a good dozen from seed with my little girl two years ago and it's fun to see all those starts gain height and width with each season.

NOID Aquilega
I keep waiting for the yellow columbines to bloom...ah..the patience gardening requires. In May there is still the perfect pairing of sun and rain to water and feed the gardens. Not too dry yet, and sometimes still too wet.

Aquilega ' Leprechaun Gold'
Finally, my delicate astrantia. I have both purple and white varities. Gorgeous.

Astrantia 'Hadspen Blood'
Happy Garden Blogger's Bloom Day! I hope your May blooms are plentiful! Many thanks to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for hosting this fun meme.

Cheers, Jenni


  1. Happy GBBD! That Astrantia is such a pretty deep red, love it. That is quite a pretty blue on your Delphinium too.

  2. That Euphorbia schillingii 'Spurge' is lovely, but I don't have one so if that's what it is it came from someone else. I do have Euphorbia 'Excalibur' and it looks a lot like that one. Could it be?

  3. Love the Iris! I have a garden helper cat that looks like yours.

  4. The freshness of spring is bustin out all over at your place. Thanks for pausing in your "dirt therapy" long enough to record it for us.

  5. What lovely blooms you have! I especially love the "Leprechaun's Gold' columbine. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Beautiful photos, as always!

  7. I envy you for your flowering Delphinium. I have lots of Delphiniums but they are late this year and last year the snails were there. anyway I have to wait for another few weeks. Your spring garden is bursting with flowers love the various columbines and irises. And.....the garden keeps us busy, I don't mind I love it.
    Wish you happy gardening!

  8. Just beautiful. We are just starting out here and you are so far ahead! (Not that I would change anything.) Demon Cat looks happy there. What does NOID mean?


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