Wednesday Vignette - Backyard Playground

It's Wednesday Vignette and I'm joining Anna over at Flutter and Hum, in celebration of a scene that made me stop to ponder this week.

My kids took advantage of our recent trip to Costco. It appears the card board boxes are perfect ships for playing in the sea of grass.

Childhood innocence and the sweet pleasures of imaginative play.

The moment I captured sure brought a smile to my face.

Cheers, Jenni


  1. They sure look like they're having fun! Imagination is a powerful thing.

  2. Your kids are great! Brought a big grin to my lips as well. Love it! :)

  3. It doesn't really take much to ignite the imagination of a child. It is great to see beautiful children enjoying the out of doors.

  4. That reminds me! Loved it.


  5. Did your cats enjoy the boxes too? Cats normally prefer cardboard boxes to purpose-made cat beds.

  6. Cute! The best toys are not supposed to be toys.

  7. Hi, Jenni. It's been a while since I've done any visiting and happy to be here and see those smiling faces. Beautiful!
    I think of you often_ whenever I put on those gorgeous earrings you made for me. :) We hope all is well.


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