The Vegetable Garden in June

While I have been focusing on my ornamental gardens in my blog, I have actually been spending the most time outside in my vegetable gardens. On Mother's Day weekend (second weekend of May here in the USA) I planted onions, tomatoes, bush beans, cucumbers and pumpkins. In early June, I planted watermelons. I already started lettuce, carrots and a box of flower seeds for the pollinators. I also have a box dedicated to potatoes. I grow organic, so no pesticides or non-organic fertilizers.

I have eight raised boxes in total. It's a blast growing my own food and it's really important to me that my kids learn how to grow food too.

As the weather has been warm and dry, the veggie garden has really taken off. I've also become one with the garden hose as I've been lugging it around much earlier in the season than I normally do. Thank you El Nino.

Above are my cipollini onions and heirloom tomatoes in the background.

And the bush beans, nothing too exotic, just tried and true blue lakes.

We are so fortunate to have a lot of room for our gardens. Above, we look onto the pumpkins to the left and the pollinator box on the right. Beyond that, our rows of raspberries. 

And finally this year, our blue berries are producing. I planted these for my little girl as blueberries are her favorite. She loves to pick them. I have six plants, 3 varieties. We are getting a good harvest this year.

Growing fruits and vegetables has become of my favorite activities. I love learning new techniques and trying new plants. My vegetable garden keeps me centered. Plain and simple.

Life in the garden is good.

Cheers, Jenni


  1. My favourite subject!! As you know, I am also dedicated to the concept of the Raised Bed (you call them "boxes" , I see). They are definitely the most efficient way of gardening when space is in short supply - like in my garden. You are so right about the importance of educating children about where food comes from and how it grows. My daughter in France is already getting her 18-month old daughter involved in growing veggies!

  2. I'm jealous of all your space! I cram a lot into our driveway, but nowhere near what you've got goin' on. That's so great.

  3. Today we had a salad and grilled some bear meat. In the middle of the meal my husband proudly stated, "we have harvested everything we are eating today." That was a great feeling. I'm so impressed with your beds. You have come a long way with that garden in such a short time.

  4. It all looks so lush and yet under control. Don't know how you do it.

  5. Your plants look so healthy, Jenny . I'm only growing one pot of beans, but I have been finding tomatoes and other things popping up in unexpected places.


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