November Colors in the Garden

The rich hues of autumn are showing. I strolled around the gardens to capture them before a breezy, and rain laden day occurred.

The 'Coral Bark' maple is stunning. This photo might be my favorite of the day.

Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku'
The contrast of the reddish-coral branches against the truly golden foliage is striking. With a storm looming this afternoon, it's quite possible that I won't see these leaves hang on for much longer. Last year they turned a delicious sherbet, orange hue. I waited too long to snap a picture. They were gone before I knew it.

The' Fireglow' maple is stunning with it's rich, warm, color. Splashes of orange emerge on the foliage when the light hits it right. It was the first tree I planted when we moved here in 2012. It is growing into a magnificent tree.

Acer palmatum 'Fireglow'
And the fungus are everywhere.

I haven't posted a photo of this fern before. It's been slow growing and I've upset it by moving it a few times. However, it looks fabulous now, clearly happy in it's new home.

Arching Japanese Holly Fern - Cyrtomium fortunei var. Clivicola
Our old concord grape broke earlier this fall. It was a remnant from my husband's great grandfather. Not sure if there is much we can do to repair the situation. It was a big producer of grapes. We really don't know when the grape was planted, could go back to the 1940's. We are quite sad about the loss.

I love the foliage of blue berries in autumn. So colorful!


The beauty berry plant that a fellow garden blogger bestowed upon me, is rich in royal purple hues.

Beauty Berry - Callicarpa
The birds will enjoy these tasty treats!

Lastly, the 'Firefly' heather is turning color too. It's a summer bloomer and the foliage can turn vivid coral in the fall season. This year, only a few branches are turning that hue. It has not been as cool at night as it has in past years. I think that may have something to do with the color change.

Calluna vulgaris 'Firefly'
Demon Cat hung out with me during the photo shoot. He'd rather not be the subject though.

November in the garden is a stunning show of color. Although, it is fleeting. I love looking back on past blog posts to remember the views, especially in the dark of winter.

On that note, it dawned on me a few weeks back that I've been blogging for 8 years now. Say what? Yep, my first posts were back in October of 2008.

Happy Autumn All and Happy Blog-versary to me.

Cheers, Jenni


  1. Gorgeous colours Jenni, the maples are really beautiful. And Happy Blog-versary!

  2. That 'Sango Kaku' is a beauty , I wish the rain would hold off a bit longer , so we can enjoy all the autumn color .

  3. Eight years! Wow, you're an old timer...

    So sad about the grape. I have a soft spot for Concords, they go way back in my family and the smell is such a memory trigger. I can't help but sampling a couple when I happen upon them on garden tours.

  4. Every time I see a pic of a gorgeous maple in fall color I regret not planting one. Too many wonderful plants to love, not enough garden! Beautiful photos, especially the last one. I'm so glad you blog! Our climates are so different that I love popping over to see what's growing. Do you think the grape will sprout from the roots?

  5. Wow! Eight years! I had no idea you had been blogging so long. What a bummer about the grape. Thanks for sharing your photos of the fall color in your garden. The maples are so richly colored. I have lots of mushrooms popping up all over too.

  6. The winds today will cut short our autumn display.

  7. Your Coral Bark will still be handsome after the leaves fall, but you're right: the leaves agains the colorful stems are something special.

  8. A belated happy blogversary! I envy you your fall color - and the rain. We don't get cold enough to get much in the way of fall color but this year we've had close to none. The leaves on my own 'Sango Kaku' maple was glorious last year but they transitioned to a dingy brown this year and other trees that normally show some color, like the persimmons and ornamental pear, have failed to put on a show. Oh well, there's always next year. And I'm still counting on El Nino in the rain department.


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