The Garden in Late Autumn

Fall is loosing it's foot-hold. We've finally had below freezing temps and the garden nears it's truly quiet season. Clear skies and bright sunshine this morning gave way to clouds that will drop plenty of snow in the mountains. The skiers & boarders are excited for the slopes to open.

Acer palmatum 'Twombly's Red Sentinel'
The petite leaves on my Twombly's Red Sentinel, Japanese maple, are a brilliant red. They are just starting to drop, decorating the grass in Christmas colors.

Cold night-time temps have created my favorite colors to emerge on the 'Firefly' heather.

Coral hues emerge on calluna vulgaris 'Firefly'
I love the light this time of year. Soft, easy, heather'd, hues.

Seed heads from Joe Pye Weed

The hellebore's have begun to bloom. Spring Promise 'Elly' is always the first with it's frilly, double blooms.

helleborus Spring Promise 'Elly'
In my opinion, the grasses steal the show. I've got more in mind for next year. Movement in the garden soothes my soul.

Miscanthus 'Morning Light'

As I wandered around my yard, I felt content with the progress that was made this year. There is always so much more to do, but this year, some of the foundation pieces are beginning to hold their positions and create the structure I've been seeking.

I've also given myself permission not to 'tidy' the gardens this fall. All of those seed heads still stand for the birds.


Dancing seed heads from Northern Sea Oat Grass. They sway and flicker in the wind, reminding me of quaking aspens.

chasmanthium latifolum 'Northern Sea Oat Grass'
Yesterday, the dew was heavy. When the bright sun shone, it looked like my garden was covered in glinting diamonds.

Wishing all of my American blogging friends a 'Happy Thanksgiving' this week. Gardening is a language spoken and understood across all the languages and people's of our earth. I am so thankful for my little spot of dirt and the joy it brings me.

Cheers, Jenni


  1. Fabulous photos, Jenny. Your pics just get better and better! I especially like the one of the Hellebore with the raindrops.

  2. I know you have known sorrow lately but it is to your credit that you still see beauty and much to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. The Sea Oats are one of my favorite grasses - if only they didn't self-sow with such abandon. The picture of the beautyberries is amazing. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!

  4. Hello, Jenni! yes, tis the season as the leaves are all nearly gone from the trees, except of course the oaks. Lovely photos! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family.


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