Garden Bloggers Bloom Day April 2010

Wow has this month just flown by! Day job is crazy biz is buzzing with Mother's Day sales..I got the flu..oh my has it been dizzying! However, despite all the madness, my little cottage gardens provide me with just the sense of peace and quiet that I need. This Dutch Girl's gardens are in full Tulip triumph right now, delighting me when we catch some ray's of sunshine.

Here is what is blooming in my gardens right now:

Volunteer Tulips. When we moved in 5 years ago, the red tulip was here and I didn't have the heart to move it. Now, there are a few more as it must have spread :)

Sweet blue Forget Me Not's are providing lots of cheer in the shade gardens

Salmon Pink Tulips in the front beds. I get so many compliments on them every year from passerby's.

The baby Bartlet Pear has a few blooms this year. Someday this little guy will provide shade in our front yard.
Golden Yellow Tulips, so cheerful and study to have survived the monsoon's we've had the past 2 weeks!

I believe these are Spanish bells..they are everywhere! I do find them sweet and a nice compliment in my shade garden, but I'd like to replace them eventually with muscari.
Two toned Tulips. Nothing like a grab bag of tulips from Freddy's to surprise and delight me!

Happy Bloom Day to all my fellow gardeners~ Stop by May Dreams Garden blog and find more gardeners sharing their blooms on the 15th of each month!


  1. You do have a lot of really pretty tulips. I love how the one has spread and changed some.
    I hope you get some Pears on your tree this year, we just planted pears a couple of years ago and I'm hoping this is the summer for some fruit from them.
    Glad your business is doing so well!

  2. Those Salmon tulips are beyond gorgeous, and I love your idea of planting a row of them in the very front of your yard. What a grand idea!

  3. oh so many lovely flowers!! i love all the colours! ;)

  4. WOW!!! I want your garden. None of those would last 5 minutes in Texas. I miss the cooler weather back in Boston. If I were still there, I'd be enjoying crocuses and tulips and daffodils. SIGH

    YAY for Mother's Day sales. My shop had a great March but May has been dead :( Oh well!!

  5. Jenni, they look lovely :)

    I have been taking photos like mad of my garden but I realise I might need to stop and do some weeding soon :(

    Can't have the pretties without the other I guess. Happy Gardening :) T.

  6. Hello!

    Well, all of your flowers are so beautiful, but what struck me were the ones that you inherited with your house. How wonderful that you kept them and are now rewarded with new plants and blooms :-)

  7. Your tulips are fabulous. I rather like the red and yellow combination ... especially as the yellows have that red edging to their petals.

    The salmon tulips deserve all the complements they get ... they're pretty. So are those Spanish Bells ... gorgeous colour.

    I can understand why you get so much pleasure from your lovely cottage garden beds ... especially when they full of such beautiful blooms.


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