Fertilizer Friday March 11, 2011

Hola! It's my first Fertilizer Friday Post of the year!

It's time to celebrate my burgeoning snow crocus who are a wee bit late this year with our February snow fall.

Passionate Purples


Winter White

Creamy Butter

Yummy Yellow

My spring container pots are cheerfully greeting guests (and me after a long day at work) on the front porch.

And my vinca is also beginning to bud.

Swing by Tootie's Blog and Check out all the Fertilizer Friday Posts :)

Happy Weekend! Cheers, Jenni


  1. They look lovely Jenni :)

    I am so glad the crocus are starting to come up and the Daffs :) YAY!

    Have a lovely weekend, T :)

  2. How beautiful! Of course I can't grow Crocuses here, but I so enjoyed popping by to see those blooming in your garden. Such great colours! Enjoy your Springtime.

  3. The crocus are lovely, I think I see tulip foliage in there too. Are those yellow ranunculus and primrose in that container? Beautiful.

  4. Beautiful crocuses! I really need to put more early spring bulbs in with some bright, vibrant colors. They are so cheerful.

  5. Isn't it lovely to see the spring crocus again. Lovely.

  6. The flowers look so fresh and they are very pretty.

  7. I love your crocus; they are all beautiful, especially the Creamy Butter-- what a delicious color. The ranunculus is gorgeous too. We still have 2' of snow on the ground and it's so nice to see your blooms.

  8. Hi Jenni~~ I love all your crocus but the yellow and white ones are my favorite. And your kiddos on the sidebar playing in the snow--adorable. :)

  9. Hi Jenni, lovely array of crocus. Ours are finally up, along with narcissus, a daphne, hellebore...but all else lags this year. I feel a bit water logged too.

  10. gorgeous!!!! love the crisp color
    we woke up to 3 more inches of snow today!!! HELLO!!! MOTHER NATURE? IT'S MARCH....TIME TO MELT!!!
    thanks for linking in this week!

  11. the creamy butter one is yummy..
    Happy April fool's day
    have a fun weekend. hugs from Savannah, Cherry

  12. Gorgeous crocus and show stopping colors. Pretty soon everything will be poppin.

  13. Very nice of the Crocus to show up...love the sunnyness of the yellow ranunculus in your container.

  14. Another lovely post with all the details about the flowers! Simply wonderful.
    Now I have more idea's of what I want to plant...think I will branch out a little and stop playing it safe.. :)

  15. I love crocus. I have the fall blooming ones in my gardens.

  16. Calling by from Tootsie Time as participating in Fertiliser Friday and really enjoying meeting everyone else. I miss crocus they do not grow where I live now.

  17. I am unfamiliar with snow crocus, but yours are so pretty!!! I am linking over from Fertilizer Friday.


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