Identification Help! & Early Blooms/Spring Growth

Dear Fellow Gardeners, I require some assistance.  Is this a weed? I plucked one out of my shade garden last year and I see its back, however I see a bloom forming and I do hate to pluck an unknown flowering plant less I know for certain it's a weed.  Any guesses?

What is this?
 March has been soggy and sloppy this year.  Granted, March in the Pacific Northwest is normally soggy, but we are on tap to set a record for rainfall this month and the extended forecast is calling for a cooler and wetter spring than normal.  Go away La Nina!!

Some plants are happily growing though.  Delphinium is sprouting and looking happy and healthy.


The dwarf Spirea is leafing out.  I love the changing colors of this plants leaves.


Shasta Daisy's have grown 4x the original size of the plant I purchased last year.

Shasta Daisy
  White hyacinths are blooms and flooding the front walk with a rich perfume.

 Even Puma, the rotten cat, is enjoying the scene, accompanying me on our tour of the gardens.  Nandina, soapwart and candytuft in the back ground.

Puma, the rotten cat
 Dutch Master daffodils from the Wooden Shoe Bulb farm have bloomed just this past week.  Late for them.

Dutch Master Daffodil

 Paper whites, that I did plant late (mid-January)  is getting a bloom off.

Narcissus Paper whites

The primroses I received from my next door neighbor two years ago are doing well. Now, these primroses are not the English style you see at garden shops and super markets..what variety are they?

What exactly are these?
 The Bartlett pear will be leafing out soon and I hope gracing us with a few blossoms.

Bartlett Pear Tree

And finally, the ever hardy sedium plants in the little rock gardens never seem to die, despite my manhandling.

Sedum Hen and Chicks
 The wind has picked up and I believe another round of spring rain showers are in store for today.   We had hail yesterday and very heavy rain showers.  The wind chimes are currently singing a pretty song for us as we sip our morning coffee and plan for the rest of the day.  I think my jewelry design studio is calling :)

Cheers, Jenni


  1. Oh Jenni! Your weed is not a weed at all, it's a Trillium, a beautiful one with mottled leaves. Please please leave it to bloom! You are so lucky to have one growing in your garden, without any help from you. It must be a great spot for native wildflowers.

  2. Thank you Alison! After reading your post about trillium's last week, I though I should hold off and ask about this one!

  3. Great photos. Your hyacinths look huge! Are you going to divide the primrose? I divided some primrose today. The first photo looked like a tulip at first but then I saw the base and didn't think so. I looked up trillium suggested by Alison - I learned something new, never heard of trillium before. Very pretty.

  4. Yes, a trillium, indeed. It is the provincial flower of Ontario, but there are plenty growing here, and I just saw some last week at the Native Garden in Oak Bay. What a lovely display of colour you have already!

  5. I just found your blog through Blotanical - glad I did!

    Looking forward to reading more soon.

    Thanks! Julie

  6. So it does appear I've got a trillium..and I'm excited that I asked first this year and didn't pull it, although I feel like a heel for doing so last year. I will probably divide the primrose this spring and find some more shady places for it to sprout. My neighbor's side yard is full of that primrose. It's beautiful!

  7. You are lucky to have a Trillium, they are usually very expensive to buy, and your one looks so beautiful with its mottled leaves. Christina

  8. I agree, that is a FAB Trillium and will be knocking your socks off very soon! Please post flower pics :~)

    You should check out a Forsythia "Gold Tide". They are very round and low-growing, they do not get leggy and sprawly like Forsythia can get.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog! I'm delighted. Your Delph plants look great. happy spring!!! Bonnie

  9. I think Mother Nature wants us to work on inside things. I'm glad your mystery plant has been IDed. Great photos. Too bad we don't have as much resiliency as our plants. Yours look great despite the weather. :)

  10. Your garden is looking awesome Jenni :)

    I am very jealous of your variegated leaf Trillium, I have just 3 little ones that struggle to grow each year then I reallised that they are on the local cat path trough my garden, I hate to dig them up, dilemma!!!

    I took some great shots (in the rain of course) of Trillium and other Spring flowers at the Rhoddie Garden on Sunday, it was so much fun, me and Hubby and the Ducks :)

    Have a lovely week, T. :)

  11. It looks geat! I don't think it's a weed but i have no idea what it is...
    It looks pretty though!

    Found you true your comment on the Dutch flower fields!


  12. Think of it as an exotic wildflower. These plants (Trillum) are endangered in many areas and they are illegal to remove.


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