Log Truck Crash into our front yard.

I've recently created a page on my blog dedicated to sharing about our families very unique experience of having a log truck, loaded with cedar logs, crash into our home and yard.


Enjoy the story, it sure was an adventure for us!
Cheers, Jenni


  1. That looks like it was scary! I can't imagine what it felt like seeing that truck coming towards your house like that. Thankfully no one was hurt.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Opps- didn't mean to delete my comment!

    Wow- so glad no one was hurt! I hope you at least get some of that good cedar wood! I'm think'n a nice cedar deck or fence would be nice...maybe a few very large flower boxes...not to mention the house! I mean really what are the chances!

    Thanks so much for stopping by :)

  4. I hope everyone is okay. I bet there was a huge mess to clean up!

  5. I never feel myself comfortable driving close to big trucks! What a disaster! They were supposed to plant a new garden for you!

  6. Tatyana..ya..they should have planted me a new garden! But they didn't. I charged them labor for my rebuilding and my new plants, many of which are happily growing today :)


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