Spring Flower Containers

I hardly believed my eyes when I read the weather report this morning and it called for no rain! The 5 yr old and I dashed out of the house to pick up some annuals to pretty up our pots and add some cheer to the front porch.

I came home with a teensy bit more than just some annuals. My plans to 'just work on the containers' turned into a marathon gardening session as my son and I tackled the containers, planted newly procured perennials and I ended up covered in a steer manure compost as I laid out the compost over all of my flower beds. A task I meant to do last fall.

Not much blooming yet besides the early bulbs. Our snowfall last week hung around a few days as many of my PNW gardening friends can attest, it was cold!! First year narcissus and bulb beds are taking shape.

I have been busy working the day job and not super enthused to play out in the yard with all of the less than favorable weather (even for a native Oregonian) on the weekends..so I've been busy working in my jewelry studio. That said, it's clear I should have been out and about to keep on top of the slugs as my Ivory Prince Hellebore is looking pretty sorry. The snow and ice were not kind either.

Today was a productive day! I'm looking forward to getting into the full swing of spring soon!
Cheers, Jenni


  1. Glad you were able to get outside to play, that always helps to chase the blu-blahs away, and revive us.

    Love seeing what's coming up in your gardens, and your new container bloomers are gorgeous.

    Happy Gardening ~ FlowerLady

  2. Doesn't it feel good to get so much accomplished? Especially when you weren't planning to get so much done. Now that the compost is spread you can have fun watching things grow. After seeing your first picture I'm hoping I have time to run out to the nursery to plant up a spring container like yours. I love your pictures, the yellows just pop.

  3. Oh I haven't even dared to buy any flowers for my pots yet. I drove past the nursery the other day and the prices seemed favourable but it was the day it was going to snow, so I didn't get any.

    Maybe next week :)

    Sounds like you got a lot done and your pics. are now encouraging me to be brave and go buy some colour.

    My Hellebores look very similar to yours :(

    I do have lots of crocus up though, which is cheery :) T.

  4. @Catherine...thanx for the compliment on my photo's..I've really been working on my photography. @T, it's time for spring annuals..surely if we all do it, the rotten heavy rains will fall in like..I dunno..California? haha

  5. We are just a little behind you up here in BC but it won't be long now! Isn't it nice to get outside?

  6. Hi Jennie, Had to go back a post since Catherine said you had inspired her with your spring planting. Beautiful!

  7. Thanks RG for stopping by! I think Catherine's big front flower bed project takes the cake!


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