Wordless Wednesday

Cheers, Jenni


  1. Hello, it is only Tuesday (just kidding :)

    Lovely shot! I'm so excited to see all the spring bulbs coming up. :)

    Thanks for playing along with my little pop quiz, I am having so much fun :) T.

  2. Hi Jenni, looks like you were quite busy over easter with the veg boxes, great job by the way! Bet your little boy couldn't wait to get into all that soil! I have the same alpine plant in your 'wordless wed' post and I really like it (can't remember its name / too early in morn). Some of my plants had grown really big and got baldy patches in the middle so I recently gave them a face lift (dug out the old bits). All the best, Kelli.

  3. So close to opening! I love how bright pink it is.

  4. Beautiful. Looks like some sort of sugar creation.

  5. I'd name this photo, "Hints of a rock garden." Love the blooming Armeria.

  6. Grace, thanks for reminding me of the proper name..I totally forgot what it was!!

  7. Your Armeria is going to be so beautiful. I like the One day of sun posting. Sounds so familiar. LOL!

  8. Hello, I recently planted these flowers in dry California! Do you think they will make it? Really nice blog btw. Love the peony.


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