Saturday Morning Adventures

After a long and at times, emotion packed, week at work in the world of child welfare; I relish Saturday mornings with my kiddos and the simplicity of domestic activity.

A normal Saturday routine is to be awoken by my little Sprout at the crack of dawn (granted I'm more like a grumpy bear at this early hour rather than affectionate mother, but who can resist a cute little face?).  We get into our groove and the rest of the house gets moving as coffee brews and English soccer plays on the tele.
After awhile, the husband until leaves for mountain biking and I get started on household chores.

Sometimes having small house is aggravating.  But not on Saturday mornings when it takes little time to tidy up after the work week and freshen the floors with lemon scent.

Today, Little Sprout made a picture on the coffee table as I puttered around and Rowdy Roo (my eldest child) tackled pending construction projects in the sandbox outside.

Little Sprout
 I was impressed with her little creative endeavor.  She raided the clean dish towel drawer and laid out a collage of layered towels on the coffee table.  Not too shabby little miss.

Next, I whipped up a batch of chocolate chip cookies.

Cookies for Coffee Time
I'm ready for some more coffee. How about you?

Cheers, Jenni


  1. What a good mommy you are, baking chocolate chip cookies! Little Sprout is the sweetest thing!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  2. Sounds like a perfect Saturday! Our house is also small and at times I wish I had a nice, new big one, but when I can get it all picked up and clean in no time I love it. Little Sprout did create a nice collage. She must get her creativity from you. Our Saturday started off early with my oldest daughter's lacrosse game but we lucked out that a flea market was going on in the same park.

  3. I'm extremely impressed with the towel art! Saturdays are great aren't they? Saturday is my favorite day of the week. It looks like yours was a perfect one, filled with family and routine. The cookies look great.

  4. Catherine ~ you're a woman after my own heart! I would have meandered over to the flea market too!

  5. Your Saturday sounds just divine, Jenni. I love your little quilter! Tell her your blogging friends think she did a great job!

    The cookies and coffee sound great especially since I spent the day hauling compost. A chore I don't exactly relish, but know it's worth it in the long run.

    Hope your Sunday is just as pleasant as your Saturday was.

  6. What a clever girl your Little Sprout is! She must take after her mom!

    Wow! A day off and you make cookies. I hope those kids appreciate you.

  7. Chocolate chip cookies for breakfast? I won't show it to my boys! They will want to replace our traditional muffins with them!

  8. I really enjoyed reading about your Saturday morning - complete with English football! Care to share the recipe for the choc chip cookies?

    You might like to read about a couple of Scottish Saturdays. Orkney blogger and gardener Fay at The Wind and the Wellies did a post about her Saturday on an island off the norther tip of Scotland, and I posted about my city Saturday (sadly no gardening in it!). Sorry for the long urls - wish I knew how to embed a link within a comment.

  9. Hi Linda,
    I am a faithful follower of the EPL, since my kids wake me up so early! I wish I could catch more Scottish football, but alas our satellite carrier does not broadcast it.
    I do follow Wind and Wellies and will check out your other recommendation..many thanks! BTW..I use the famous Tollhouse Cookie recipe for Chocolate chips..will send you a link. Cheers, Jenni

  10. What a great day! When I lived in Marin County, CA a highschool pal's Mom was a well-known textile artist and her work looked a lot like Sprout's!! Repetition, texture, shape. You have a budding multimedia designer there!


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