Fertilizer Friday April 29, 2011

My goodness where has April flown? Here in the Pacific Northwest it came in as a Lion and that Lion hasn't left! Rain, rain, go away, come back...um never.  We have enough for the rest of the year, surely.
It's Fertilizer Friday over at Tootsie Time and it's time to flaunt our flowers. Here is a look at some of my blooms this month.

salmon pink tulips

Bartlett Pear Tree w/ a happy honey bee

Mt. Hood Daffodil

My springtime favorite, Forget Me Nots  
Sunny Yellow Tulips

Compared to even last year, my early - mid Spring blooms are lacking.  I lost two other groups of Tulips and most other blooming perennials are just plain old late. Here's hoping for more blooms in May.  Pop on by Tootsie's blog to see who else is flaunting their flowers today ~ Cheers, Jenni


  1. Jenni, those Sunny Yellow Tulips are definitely an fabulous antidote to an overcast rainy day! Love your little Forget Me Nots and your Pear blossoms. Hope that rain takes a break for a while! I know something about endless weeks of heavy rain ... and I'm pleased to say we're at the start of our dry season now.

  2. I know what you mean about what happened to April! Here's hoping it get's better and quickly for May! Your flowers look great too!!!

  3. Oh, I am so hoping for a better May! I can live with the rain, I just want it to warm up about 10 or 15 degrees.

    Loved looking at your flowers. That yellow tulip is so bright!

  4. I love your blossoms even if they are a little rain-soaked. May simply HAS to be better. It has to be. Right?

  5. How pretty they all are! We are still quite far behind as well.

    I really like those forget-me-nots in your garden. And it reminded me that I planted some last summer, so I hope they will bloom this year.

  6. OOHHH!! Love your tulips! Thanks for sharing such a cheery flower! Paula in Idaho

  7. Thanks for the photos! My crocuses just opened. I love tulips and forget-me-nots. Great photos. Your daffodil looks so delicate.

  8. Your flowers still look great! The tulips are my favorite.

  9. Your blooms look great! loved the color on that tulip

  10. I'm with you Jenni... tired of the cold. I don't mind the rain, but the cold and the wind we have had.. well, enough already. ;) Lovely photos of lovely flowers. Will we really see 70 tomorrow?

  11. I too am sick of being chilly! It is supposed to snow/rain mix here this weekend...the wind is cold and the sun is fighting with the clouds.
    Winter is way too long to hang on the way it does!
    your tulips are looking great...it's all so pretty!
    thanks for flaunting with me...hope to see you again soon!

  12. All your flowers look beautiful!!

  13. Please send us some of your rain! We're praying for it here. Tho glad it didn't rain on William and Kate!


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