Suggestions for a Woodcutters Garden?

Happy Weekend Blogging Friends! It was a gusty evening last night with more rain storms rolling through. This morning greets me with a bit of sunshine. It's a welcome sight after a long week of gray. (And if it could just dry out a bit, I'll plead with the husband unit to mow the lawn. It's terribly long).

I'm pondering a new project this year. You see, I have this rather unsightly area on the back side of the detached garage.  Per the next door neighbors, it's been dominated by native day lilies, pretty much, always.  And they are enjoyable for about 2 weeks a year. I'm thinking I could create a flower bed with a larger variety of plants which in turn might provide more color through out the year.
native day lilies in bloom
 The area is part sun/shade and in summer gets 4-6 hours of sun.  The area is wedged between a lacy hydrangrea and an mature snow ball tree.  I'd say it's about 10-12 feet long and a raised bed of 2 ft wide could be created.  On the opposite side is our lovely firewood pile. I guess I could call this area the 'Wood Cutters Garden' haha!
Yes. there, that unsightly area w/husbands wood toting high end laundry basket

So..what suggestions would you have? I'm keen to hear :)

Cheers, Jenni


  1. Do you like cut flowers for indoors? I'm thinking this would be the perfect place for a cutting garden. Since you don't see it that much you could plant flowers to bring indoors here. Dahlias, cosmos, echinacea, daisies, even some oriental lilies... things of this nature will do fine with 4-6 hours of sunlight. What do you say? :) I look forward to watching it take shape. Yeah, those daylilies gotta go. LOL

  2. Awesome Idea Grace! I do not have a cutting garden..that would be the perfect space :)

  3. I would try a Jackamnii Clematis on the fence. They go crazy and the purple would be a neat off-set for the orange daylilies. If they bloom at the same time. I think mine do. Have fun! It is always fun planning a new bed.

  4. Hi Jenni. Thanks so much for finding my blog and making a comment. As soon as I saw your post, I thought immediately of a cutting garden - just as Grace already commented!

    You're in a very different zone from me, but the tags on plants usually say what's good for cutting. (Of course, if you're like me, you'll hate to cut them....but if you grow them just for that purpose, it's easier.)

    Cheers from Canada!

  5. Oh, I like Grace's idea a lot! Just make sure you get all of those daylilies out of there. They will very quickly fill the area back up again, and take over from anything else you plant there.

    A Clem on the fence is a great idea too!

  6. I like the cutting garden idea too, and the Clematis would look pretty. Jackmanii is about as easy as they get and just gets all the way cut back in fall. Can't wait to see what you do with that space.

  7. I'm totally sold on the idea of a cutting garden! And I wouldn't have even thought about a clematis on the fence..what a smart idea! Thanks guys!

  8. Some great ideas already. Suppose where you're at the day lillies are considered a weed? They are pretty but you could select plants that would give you spring, summer and fall colour. (Maybe keep a day lily or two as well?) A cutting garden is a great idea.

  9. With two feet you could have a nice variety of flowers - some perennials and some annuals for that elusive 'between times' colour. There is a plant that I love for the back of a bed. It's called Heliopsis or False Sunflower - lots of bloom and some nice height if you get a tall version like the Oxeye. Have fun!

  10. @Kellie, Yes, that is my thought as well; year round or at least 3 season color. I do have guilt taking out all the day lilies. @Pondside..I will check that plant out! Thanks so much :)

  11. Jennifer@threedogsinagarden
    Hi Jenni, As the space is narrow, I would tend to go "up". On the house, I'd add a wall of vines, maybe clematis or some other flowering vine. I'd disguise the chain link fence with an evergreen vine- say a variegated euonymus (pruned to be a vine). Then I would suggest you add in tidy perennials like hostas and ground covers. Good luck with your project!


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