A Hearty Thank You and more Blog Love

This spring, two fabulous bloggers have been kind enough to pass along a little blogging love my way.


Julia, over at Polka Dot Galoshes and Susan at As Long As You Have A Garden gave me the Versatile Blogger award and I'm very appreciate of the kind gesture, especially this year with all the chaos I've faced. Leaving full time paid employment to care for my family during my husband's ongoing heath crisis and finally, moving back into the Portland Metro area and renovating a historic family home on a shoe string budget, has created more challenges and stresses than I care to acknowledge. Most days I want to eat a lot of chocolate and deny that this is my life! lol!

Julia is a fun and lively Seattle blogger, whose blog I have greatly enjoyed. She's on an adventure to improve her gardening skills and documents her trials and triumphs with gusto.

Susan, who is moving homes and gardens this year like myself, is fresh voice in the garden blogging community. Susan writes on all garden related subjects and is documenting her journey from city to farm living.

I think garden bloggers are some of the nicest people around. While I haven't met most garden bloggers in person, I am just amazed at the quick rapport and kindness that folks across the internet extend to one another.

I'm going to pass along the blog love to a few well deserving bloggers that I regularly follow, who write on a variety of topics. They can pass the award along or not, no pressure.  But I'd like to give them a shout out and encourage you to visit their lovely blogs.

Melissa at Sky Minded and Ever Growing, has been documenting her families journey into urban homesteading. I have admired her adventurous spirit as she feeds her family on homegrown goodness. She measures and charts her success and grows in a rather arid environment, so water conservation is a key element to her gardening challenges.

Bonnie, who has become a dear friend, at Bees, Birds, Berries and Blooms, documents life in the Black Hills. She shares incredible home-style cooking, crafts and gardening. I'm always getting great ideas at Bonnie's blog. She has inspired me to dream of making my own fruit wines, so much so, that I have planted more berries at the new house to achieve my dreams ;)

Fellow PNW blogger & friend, Alison at Bonnie Lassie, moved from the east coast and has embraced life in the Pacific Northwest. She is a seasoned gardener who continues to push herself to try new idea's and is currently building a beautiful gravel garden. Alison has really inspiring posts about landscape design, DIY projects and garden book reviews. I'll be posting soon about a project I recently finished that was inspired by one of Alison's posts from earlier this spring.

And finally, Mark over at Mark's Veg Plot, blogs from the UK about kitchen gardening and shares his delicious recipes. Mark has been a source of gardening knowledge for me and has kindly answered any gardening question I've thrown his way. I tease him that I want to fly over and spend a day with him so he can teach me the secrets of successfully starting veggies from seed.

If you have never visited some of these great gardeners, do so. You'll be glad you did.

Thank you again to Julia and Susan for sending me some blog love.

Cheers, Jenni


  1. Congrats Jenni...I'll have to check those blogs out. There's always more to learn about gardening! :)

  2. Thanks for the tips about blogs to visit. It's always good to get personal recommendations!

  3. Congrats! A nice blog post you've written! I'll have to visit the blogs you recommend as they sound really good. All the best, Kelli.

  4. Thanks so much for the blog love, Jenni! I'm really wondering now about your project, hope you blog about it soon! I love Bonnie's blog too, I have to admit I am very curious about her fruit wines as well. Hope you get lots of fruit at your new garden, so you can follow in her footsteps. I'm looking forward to reading some of the other blogs too. Thanks again!

    1. Alison, she sent me some of her wine for Christmas and it was incredible!!

  5. Thanks for the nice words. I agree totally about garden bloggers, I wish I could think of a T shirt slogan we could all wear. The award thing is a great way to find new bloggers isn't it. I make a point of buying locally produced fruit wines but DIY would be better so I'm off to Bonnie's blog.

  6. Hi Jenni; Thanks for your kind words. Your own blog has made some huge progress in the last few months too - it's a great source of amusement and inspiration. I almost feel like part of your family now. A worthy recipient of the Versatile Blogger award!

    1. Thanks Mark! I always enjoy your blog! I'd say at this point, we're all part of a great big blogging family :)

  7. Thanks Jenni,
    Congratulations on the award you deserve it. I always enjoy your posts. You have such a positive view of life, despite all of its challenges. Thank you for passing it on to me. I appreciate your review of my blog. I'm going to have to get you and Alison a wine making kit. I promise it isn't as intimidating as you would think it to be:) Plus, it is great to enjoy the 'fruits' of your labor.

    1. Haha, Bonnie Dear, I'm not positive, I'm just nutzo! :) I like the sound of enjoying the fruits of my labor! Looking forward to having enough fruit in the future to test out one of those wine making kits.


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