New House Files Part 6: Complications


Sometimes things just don't go to plan. This is a sad reality of home renovations and a truth I am forced to  embrace. While it's critical to consider the best schedule for all projects, (and in my ultra Type-A way, creating a timeline) it is also imperative to be flexible. A good project manager (as I consider myself to be) knows when you hit a brick wall in one place, you do what can be done in another area to keep the overall goals met.

But what if you lose your partner-foreman before things even get off the ground?

That is sadly where I find myself. As many of you know, my husband has struggled with health issues that hospitalized him last fall and required emergency surgery to save his life. We had hoped after his recovery through late fall and into winter, that good health would return. Alas, it was quite brief.

About the time we needed to start work on the remodel, my husband's disease flared up and would not allow him to assist much on this grand home remodel. However, we could not back out as things had been set in motion that could not be undone.

Hence, it's just been primarily little old me sanding and scraping away. I've been quite fortunate to have friends willing to part with their time to help me out.

Last week, my husband had a second surgery. He was in much better health and appeared to be recovering without complication. This week we hit a snag. 10 days post surgery, he's back in the hospital with an infection and dehydration.  We're quite confident that he'll get better and be home soon, but in the meantime, it's Momma bear here who is bearing the brunt of what feels like too many complications these days.

So, I'm regrouping and having to make tough decisions about what can realistically be accomplished and what I need to move off my plate, like starting a vegetable garden at the new house. This year it just might not happen.

Moving forward! Jenni


  1. What a bummer that the vegetable garden this year might not happen. I'm hoping that your husband recovers fully soon and can help you more. I'm sure he feels like he's let you down, which can be very frustrating for him. Sounds like you're handling the rescheduling realistically, though.

    Big Hugs, and sending good healing thoughts for your husband.

  2. Thanks Alison, I'm not totally ready to give up on the garden and have been hedging my bets on maybe grabbing up more mature plants at the nursery to start up my garden post memorial day. I hate to give up the thing that brings me joy. Yes, hubby is feeling pretty bad about being laid up. It sucks all around.

  3. Jenni, Hope Aaron returns home & returns to better health soon! In the meantime, hang in there & allow yourself to feel a sense of accomplishment from each baby step. Baby steps can still lead to something grand! (I am reminding myself as well.) If a veggie garden will bring you some joy amidst the stressful challenges you've been encountering, then you go girl to that nursery, pick up a few seedlings & plant little bit of joy for yourself! :)

  4. I feel your pain...been there, done that. Thankfully, my husband has recovered enough to enjoy life, but not enough (so he says) to do anything around the house and/or garden! I'm so used to just doing it all myself, I don't even have to think twice any more. He does earn his keep by being my "muscles". He'll get a place at the dinner table tonight for fixing my garden sprinkler for me yesterday ;-)

    Wishing your husband a full and speedy recovery.

  5. Sorry to hear that Jenni and I really hope everything turns out well for you. The house won't go anywhere while you have to ease up a bit.

  6. So sorry to hear this news, Jenni. The best laid plans ... and all that! It terrible to hear that your husband has had so many setbacks with his health. Wishing him a quicker and easier path to recovery this time. Best of luck with your renovations, but you need to be sure you don't overdo it as well. Look after yourselves.

  7. I'm sorry Jenni. I hope he recovers quickly! Putting plans on hold isn't an easy thing to do, and I'm sure you're frustrated, but I hope you are able to take care of yourself too!

  8. Dear Jenni ~ I am so sorry to hear about your husband's health. May his recovery be swift and full.

    May you be given strength, peace and love as you carry on.

    Love, hugs and prayers ~ FlowerLady

  9. Hang in there Jenni! My heart goes out to you. I know how stressful it is to be "man down" as you say. Hope you, your husband, and the kids can hold tough. When ever we have had a bad year it is followed by a good one. It will be eaiser when you are all settled.

  10. Even as I was reading your update with news that could get anyone down you still sounded upbeat and smiling, even if a little tired. I hope your husband makes a complete recovery... And remember there are always farmers markets for those veggies!

  11. sorry for the setbacks. Renovating a house is hard enough, let alone doing it while your SO is facing illness. I hope this latest bout is the last such setback...and you can have a better second half of 2012 :-)

  12. Hope he gets better soon and has a speedy recovery!

  13. Hang in there! Sorry to hear the news. Hope your husband recovers quickly and has no more set backs. Maybe a veg plant or two in a pot this year and bigger plans implemented next year. Carrots in containers are my focus this year. All the best, Kelli.

  14. Sending best wishes for a return to health for your husband. You sound quite heroic - probably the garden is the thing that can be left to itself for a bit to give you an easier time. but I can understand that it is a good way to recoup.


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