Bit O' Bounty

Yesterday I had some fun and harvested what felt like a huge bounty from my little garden plot.

Once again, the Sweet 100 cherry tomato pumped out a lot of goodies!

I'm going to be a cherry tomato oven roasting queen.  They do smell awfully good when they are being roasted!

The beef steak slicing tomato had many red ripe and many more somewhere close.  I picked up those and boxed them up.

I'm following Diane's suggestion of putting them with a ripe banana to see if I can't get these more ripe.  I have a couple of salsa recipes I'd like the use them on.

My beef steak still has plenty of green tomatoes.  I'm looking up recipes on for fried green tomatoes..something I never thought I'd eat! :)

My experiment with potatoes did not yield much.  I grew two pots of California Whites.  Granted, I wasn't able to hill them as much as I could have because I started them too high in the pots. oops!

Finally, the Baby Finger Carrots were dug up.  They taste so sweet! I need to dedicate more space next year to these guys.  Yummy!

Lastly, as some final tease...the vine cucumber showed off it's potential.  Great, thanks.  You're a bit late.

I'll be busy in the kitchen today.  The cherry T's need to be roasted up and I need to experiment with pickling those carrots.  If I can get the beef steaks ripened up, I've got to try this delicious recipe from one of my favorite book purchases this year: Canning for New Generation 

Busy times in the household. Apples and Pears will be up next.  Maybe I'll get around to making that Pesto too!

Cheers, Jenni


  1. Don't you think this year is better for vegetables than 2010? Your tomatoes are great! My beef T's didn't do good, but others are OK. I also have good cucumbers. I agree with you - some veggies are a bit late! Good luck with your kitchen chores and don't overdo!

  2. I enjoy compairing our gardens. Your potatoes did way better than mine. Do you like the beefsteaks? I was disappointed with my early girls. I love my cherry tomatoes, but I need to look up what kind they were. Your carrots are great. I will try those next year. Have fun in the kitchen. Nothing better than knowing you did the growing.

  3. Gosh what a year for gardening and it feels as though it's over already.
    Last year I made green tomato marmalade, I took liberties with the recipe of course lol

  4. I hope you're not cooking anything that requires you to skin all those cherry tomatoes

  5. You've got some great harvests there! My garden didn't do well this spring. I'm hoping to have more luck this fall. Enjoy putting up your harvest - it's soooo good to eat from the garden months later!

  6. oven roasting cherries ...and then freezing them :)
    @Holly & Barb..yep..I think I'm going to be right pleased with myself.


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