Shocking Moment..I made tomato sauce!

Over the summer, while my tomatoes were growing away in the veggie patch, I spent a lot of time in hospitals with my husbands health declining. Thankfully, he's home now mending and improving..but let's just say I had a lot of time on my hands.
I splurged on this pretty food strainer I found online at Territorial Seed Company during one of those long days.  What's a girl to do, dreaming of her veggie garden while stuck in a hospital? :)

I got the Victorio Food Strainer / Sauce Maker and setting it up was a breeze. (Even for the mechanically un-inclined.) Now, I stuck all those lovely ripe tomatoes from garden in the hopper for picture taking purposes but once that was accomplished, I quartered them and then put them back in the hopper.  I did not peel or de-seed those guys and look what I got:

Perfecto!! I cannot believe it was as easy as that. Just quartered them, cranked the handle and voila! This Dutch girl could be

The above picture is the finished product with the left over waste in a bowl ready for the compost bin.  I'm pretty pleased with myself.

Next step, I reduced the sauce by boiling at a gentle simmer, let it cool and then I measured into freezer bags, marked and stored in the deep freezer.  My sauce will be ready to eat in the gray, winter months of the Pacific Northwest.  So, what's next?

Oh..the next box of tomatoes picked from the garden.  Ok..back to work!
Cheers, Jenni

P.S. No one has paid me to high light their products..I just happen to really like supporting Territorial Seed Co. because they are a local, Oregon, family owned business and the food strainer was a splurge for myself..something that appears to be well made and I hope will get years worth of work in my kitchen.

P.P.S. Thanks to Diane @ My Cottage Garden for the tip on using a ripe banana to assist with ripening up totally worked. The tomatoes in the above picture are now red ripe and ready to process!


  1. Your sauce looks delicious! I love Territorial too.

  2. Ooh, that looks great. I bet I could do this with my juicer.

  3. Seriously sauce by running it through that, that's it! Great idea.

  4. what delicious and healthy sauce - I haven't heard of Territorial in this country but I wonder if a food processor would have the same effect? Jenni, your tomato harvest is very impressive and thanks for the banana tip. cheers, catmint

  5. Hi Jenni, just to let you know that I commented under the wrong name just now, so this is the right link. cheers, cm

  6. Great gadget and great job with the tomatoes. I'm a fan of supporting local family businesses as well. Glad to hear your husband is better, Kelli

  7. Oh my. I've got to get me one of those! Talk about easy! Glad DH is on the mend. And thanks for stopping by my blog. Ta.

  8. I love my Victorio strainer, too! BTW, a couple of aplles in a box with the tomatoes works just like a banana for ripening ....

  9. Ohhhh a ripe banana, good tip.

    That strainer looks wonderful, and think now you have pesticide free sauce. I am going to look into one soon as we move.

    I have this recipe for simple tomato sauce, just tomatoes, butter, and half a onion, unsliced. Simmer for a hour or so. It is a unbelievable flavour. It also makes a wonderful base for other sauces.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  10. Yum! Can I come over and make sauce :)? Wish I lived closer!

  11. Hi Jenni, I enjoy reading your blog. I like the banana idea for ripening tomatoes. My cousin told me putting vegetables in a brown bag helps too. My neighbors like to put overly ripe bananas around their ornamental fir tree that is between our houses. I don't know why. I'd throw them away, but I'm sure they have a purpose???


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