Filling My Bucket

I read a blog post from Jen over at The Light Laughed this morning. She wrote about sitting in her gardens and watching all her flying friends enjoy themselves in her summer blooms.

A bumble bee on Asclepias tuberosa or Butterfly Weed 

This post struck a cord in me as I too, have been spending time doing exactly what Jen described; hanging out in my gardens during the coolness of morning and simply watching and listening to all the activity around me.

It's been filling my bucket.

Monarda or Bee Balm
I've giggled at the territorial Anna hummingbird who fiercely guards the patch of red Monarda. She (I believe) perches herself in the nearby Dogwood Tree and scans the horizon, waiting for the next hummer to try and sip from her treasure of nectar.

I've enjoyed the bulling banter.

The bee's are soothing as well. They buzz about, busying themselves with the days work at hand. I like to think they send me good vibrations.

I garden as a way to fill my bucket. Family, work, and all my extra circular activities while immensely enjoyable, deplete me; time spent My garden fills me back up.

Even Demon Cat gets his bucket filled in the garden
It's good to have a place to fill one's bucket. It's why I garden.

Cheers, Jenni


  1. The garden fills my bucket too! I don't know what I'd do without it, even with all the stress of things dying of thirst lately. Great shots, especially the one of Demon Cat lounging around.

    1. I admit to watering...a lot. I wanted everything still vibrant for the 4th of July party I hosted. Now..I'll be scaling back. August and Sept are going to be pretty lack luster around here.....

  2. I've been enjoying the wildlife round here as well. I haven't been able to do much else , except watering , of course ! I'm already planning to introduce more into the garden next year. The spiders have been driving crazy though .
    Your Monarda..beautiful ! I can't grow them here, too dry.

  3. That's a fun way of putting argument here.

  4. I empathise with what you have written. There is little more calming than sitting in a garden you yourself have made, "communing with nature", especially on a Summer evening, with a glass of cool wine in your hand!

  5. Oh my goodness Jenni, my little hummingbird does that to my Bee Balm too! It has the cutest little twirp, click, twirp, click, and I know it wants me to leave. Cute little thing...

    OK, I have no idea if this comment will go have no idea how hard I have been trying to get in touch with you! Nothing works, your emails just return to sender.


    1. And then in the excitement of being able to leave a comment, lol I forgot to say thanks for the shoutout!


  6. Very well said, and a good reminder to take the time to enjoy the garden and not just work and fret over it.


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