Garden Bloggers Bloom Day - July 2015

Sweet July, one of my favorite months in the garden. Summer gardens are such a respite from the harsh sun and air, especially during cool mornings when the world is still slumbering.

Rudbeckia 'Indian Summer'
With help from their faithful gardener, my plants have survived the recent heat wave in relatively good shape. I have become one with the gardening hose, however I despise it's kinky nature ;) (sorry..couldn't resist!)

Echinacea purpurea 'Magnus'
 The coneflowers are the stars of my July gardens. They are my favorite summer bloom. I love the sturdy stems and wide blossoms that attract bees and butterflies.

Phygelius (Cape Fuchsia)  'Funfare Wine'
However, the hummingbirds flavor my varieties of phygelius. They dance around those long, tubular blossoms and drink up the good stuff; then they stand guard on a nearby tree branch to chase off other hummers that dare to drink from it's territory. It's very entertaining to watch hummingbirds. 

Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan'
While it's only now mid-July, it feels much later in the season due to excessive heat and no rain. We had our first day of measurable rain overnight this past Sunday. In Portland, rain for over 40 misery. I know, we are spoiled (normally) but truly, it's hard to adjust.

Monarda didyma 'Raspberry Wine' and Lemon Thyme
Nonetheless, the blooms prevail.

What summer garden would be complete without daylilies? or Coneflowers for that matter? 

Echinacea 'Cheyenne Spirit'
And finally, the verbena bonariensis.  I fell in love with this flower when I saw it en masse at a Dutch garden display.  Wow, were they gorgeous, arching high above the other blooms and swaying in the wind. 

I've been working to duplicate this look and have been really excited to see so many new self sown starts this year. (Drat, I guess I can thank the warm weather!)

Verbena bonariensis
Do stop by and visit Carol over at May Dreams Garden and see what is blooming around the world on July 15th. Maybe you'll find a new flower favorite to try.

Happy July!

Cheers, Jenni


  1. Lovely blooms!
    I especially like the coneflowers
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  2. I have recently been enthused with the Verbena Bonariensis too. It looks enormously tall in my little enclosed garden though.

    1. Mark, there are shorter varieties. I have both growing.

  3. Beautiful flowers! You live in such a glorious part of the country, and while are climates are so different we share many of the same bloomers at this time of the year. Great pix.

  4. Good work! Keeping the garden happy with the kinky hoses and then capturing the beauty with super photos is impressive.

  5. I love Echinacea , as well , it doesn't always do that well in my garden ! I've planted E .Pallida from seed this year. I'll have to wait till next summer to see how it goes .

  6. So're making me really miss my old 'White Swan'...and for some reason, my 'Raspberry Wine' failed to return this seems to have
    been crowded out by Astrantia...sigh.

  7. So pretty, Echinacea is a star in my garden right now too. I get such a kick out of seeing the bumble bees sleeping on it. I might try sowing some Verbena bonariensis next year.

  8. Our verbenas are prolific self sowers without ant hearwaves

    1. I haven't been so lucky to have them self sow until this year :)

  9. Bodacious blooms! Your coneflowers make me want to try them again in my garden if I can find a vacant sunny spot!

  10. I was SO excited to see the rain this morning. Your July blooms are gorgeous.

  11. Yeay for rain! Wasn't that just wonderful? I was practically doing a joy dance... I agree - those Cone flowers are special. Fabulous photos, Jenni!

  12. I love seeing all of my favorite plants growing in other gardens....the verbena is my fav, but it only likes seeding in cracks, which makes it a rather difficult transplant.


  13. Lots of great blooms - and we have the same Monarda!


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