Wednesday Vignette - Dirty Therapy RX - Stat!

My goodness we are having a hot summer. I've been aching to have a moment where it's just me, a good book. cool lemonade and my old wicker chairs out in my gardens. Alas, not yet. I've just begun my short summer break from work and I am frantically preparing to host our extended family over for the 4th of July.

I love a good party, but I hate catching up on missed house and yard work as well as the general 'sprucing' that comes with hosting an event at our home. I'd rather have been more on top of it all along.

Ah well, It will come together. It always does. And while I tackle the weeds in my flower gardens this morning, while the air is still cool, I might just find that a little dirt therapy will do the trick.

Please join Anna at Flutter and Hum to see all the lovely Wednesday Vignettes linked up for this week.

Cheers, Jenni


  1. Dirt therapy always works for me!

    1. I need a heavy dose to return to my normal state of mind :)

  2. Oh my, you are ambitious! Housekeeping and full-time work is hard to combine successfully - let alone keeping a well kept garden at the same time. My hat's off to you for also hosting a party! But I know your garden is wonderful, so I have no doubt it will go off without a hitch. It might help to remember that we are always our own worst critics. :) I too like to stick annuals in here and there - especially if they smell good.

    1. haven't met my Thanks Anna :)

  3. Parties and overnight visitors are great motivators. I'm not sure what I would ever get done without them. Look out, weeds!

  4. Enjoy your dirt therapy ,Jenny ! We hate 4th of July here …we will be bunkered down in the basement , my Mickey goes. bonkers with all the fireworks round here

  5. I have similar summer dreams but I too have company coming on the 4th so I'm scrambling to get my act together, including tidying up a garden that wants to hang loose this time of year. It doesn't help that the weather makes it feel as though I'm working in a sauna either...Best wishes with your Independence Day celebration!

  6. Dirt therapy is the best kind. I love your 'Hummelo'. Mine just finished blooming and I already miss them. :o)

    1. TL, it's funny. I've never paid much attention to that plant. But, when I saw it the other day, I, you are quite a pretty thing :)

  7. I hope that you have a lovely psrty

  8. Lovely shot! Savor your dirt therapy. It always makes me feel better. I'm trying to spruce up my garden for a dinner party on the 4th.

  9. I find dirt therapy is most effective when I work without gloves.


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